Chilmington Green Area Action Plan

The Chilmington Green Area Action Plan (AAP) provides a policy framework to deliver a major urban extension to Ashford of up to 5,750 homes and 1,000 jobs, over a period of twenty five years or so. It contains policies on several topics, such as community infrastructure, transport improvements, ecology and what character the different parts of the site should have.

The Chilmington Green Area Action Plan (AAP) was adopted by the Council on 18 July 2013.

Download the Adopted Chilmington Green Area Action Plan July 2013 [pdf] 13MB

Read the SA and SEA Adoption statement July 2013 [pdf] 263KB

View the Chilmington Green AAP Inspectors Report [pdf] 296KB

Why is development happening at Chilmington Green?

The principle of development at Chilmington Green is established in the council’s Core Strategy. The Core Strategy was ‘adopted’ in 2008 following the production of a wide range of evidence which set out where growth could be accommodated within the borough, a period of public consultation and a formal ‘Examination in Public’ by an independent, government appointed planning Inspector. View the Core Strategy 2008 [pdf] 5MB.

The change in government in May 2010 has lead to the removal of centrally designated housing targets, but the principle of development at Chilmington Green remains established in the Core Strategy. The focus now is to plan for the creation of a great place to live. This will involve looking very closely at the density, design and layout of development, types of land uses and the best range of local facilities that can be achieved.

Chilmington Green design code

The Chilmington Green Design Code sets out design advice and guidance for planning applications within Chilmington Green.

The design code is a comprehensive document that looks at all aspects of the development. It seeks to create neighbourhoods of distinct character and identity; incorporate high quality urban design; be well integrated with the rural landscape surroundings; to implement the Quality Charter; and the management and maintenance of well-designed public realm.

View the Chilmington Green Quality Agenda and Design Code webpage.