Homeowner Guidance
Understanding if you need planning permission or building control approval can be complicated. There are various tools you can use to help you understand what you might need to do or get permission for.
The following guidance document may also help if you are a homeowner. It will guide you through what you need to consider before/with your planning application submission as well as the standard required of basic plans for your application.
Applying For Planning Permission - Getting It Right Guidance [pdf] 908KB
If your proposals will affect the public highway, including grass verges, shrubs and trees, they will also require the formal agreement of Kent County Council (KCC) as highway authority and you should visit KCC’s website https://www.kent.gov.uk/roads-and-travel/highway-permits-and-licences/highways-permissions-and-technical-guidance before submitting your planning application. Engaging with highway officers at an early stage in the design process may save you time and money by making it more likely that your proposals will be acceptable to the highway authority.