Parking Consultations

General Introduction - please read

We are continually seeking to improve the parking facilities and related highway services for our residents and visitors to the borough. From time to time we will invite views and comments using parking consultations.

Not all changes (on-street or in car parks) need to go through a consultation stage, but most do.

  • ON PUBLIC ROADS. Any changes to parking and waiting restrictions on public roads (yellow lines, parking bays etc) must first be agreed by Kent County Council, with whom we work.

Kent County Council are the highway authority and may make changes to the highway without our involvement (although we would be informed as a consultee).

Kent County Council is expected to prioritise areas where road safety data indicates that Casualty Reduction Measures (CRM) would be warranted. Clearly, changes to parking and waiting restrictions (new lines and signs) are just some of the tools that might be employed to improve road safety. 

For guidance on how to make changes to the roads in your area, and what those changes might include, please visit Kent County Council's website.

For more information, see the 'first steps' section below.

  • IN CAR PARKS. Changes to rules within Ashford Borough Council car parks may follow a similar consultation process, but do not need to be passed to the county council to be sealed- they would be a consultee to any changes.


Within each consultation you can find out more information on:

  • Relevant reports and minutes
  • Plans and proposals
  • Legal notices

Parking consultations are also your chance to raise any objections.

  • All objections must be received in writing by post or email.
  • All consultations will be open for a set period of time.
  • Please ensure you check the deadline date before submitting any objections.

Current parking consultations

Ashford Borough Council

Current Consultations


Recent Consultations

Amendment 17, 2024

Amendment 20, 2024

County Square Loading Areas, 2025

Amendment 14, 2024

Amendment 16 2024


Kent County Council

Most changes to roads and highways within the borough will be made by Kent County Council, rather than the Borough Council.

Please go to Let’s talk Kent for Kent County Council amendments.

Map-based Orders

Use the link below to see the all traffic orders across Kent which have added to the map-based service.

This will allow one to view all on-street restrictions (moving traffic, speed limits and parking and waiting restrictions) in those areas where mapping has been completed.

Traffic Orders (

Current Traffic Regulation Order

Download the most recent consolidated order [pdf] 9365KB (500 pages).

The Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) process- what is the consultation for?

Placing new restrictions and amendments is quite a slow process.

In part this is necessary, as this gives a chance to consult with those most likely to be affected by the changes, and to allow residents and important stakeholders (such as the police and fire service, for example), to respond or ask questions.

Most changes to the parking and waiting rules requires  a period of public consultation to allow for objection and comment.

Below is a reduced version of the order-making process- full rules are set by primary and supportive legislation- The Road Traffic Regulations Act 1984 and (in particular) Local Authorities Traffic Order Regulations 1996.

First steps

Agreed in principle with Kent County Council
Any significant proposal to amend restrictions on the highway would have been discussed with Kent County Council officers to be agreed, in principle. The borough council cannot proceed without approval- only Kent County Council can make a traffic order for on-street changes.


  1. Report to quarterly Joint Transportation Board (JTB)
    A List of potential amendments forms part of the report. Not every item reported will form part of a later amendment.
  2. Draw up draft Order & plan(s) to accompany consultation.
    Depending on the extent this involves a considerable amount of staff time (often a number of changes are made in one amendment, to reduce costs and administration).
  3. Advertise proposed order in local newspaper (obligatory)
  4. Letters sent to key consultees and Kent Police (obligatory) Notices placed in affected area (advised)
  5. Letters sent nearby residents and other interested parties, ward councillors, local businesses etc (advised)

Public consultation (runs for at least 21 days)

Officers respond to comments, questions & objections.

After consultation

a) If fewer than 10 objections received
Refer findings to ward members and JTB Chair and Vice-chair and allow 14 days for response

b) If more than 10 objections received or if one unresolved objection from statutory consultee.
Refer findings to next JTB meeting (held each quarter) to seek their recommendation.

  1. Complete and check finalised Order (making amendments as necessary as long as the proposed is not amended significantly)
  2. Send Order to Kent County Council for making.(Kent County Council need 14 days for this part of the process)
  3. Advertise Made amendment in local newspaper (obligatory)Place notices of making in affected areas (advisory)
  4. Write to all outstanding objectors within 14 days of the making of the Order (obligatory)

Note: Any amendment can also be challenged in the High Court, within 6 weeks of its making.

The Joint Transportation Board (JTB) is a public meeting. If you wish to attend, information and dates can be found on our Committees page.

Contact us

If you have any queries about any parking consultations in the borough or want to know more about any of our proposals, you can contact us:

  • Email
  • In writing to Engineering Services, Ashford Borough Council, Civic Centre, Tannery Lane, Ashford, Kent TN23 1PL
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