Off-Street Parking Places Order 2019 - Notice of Variation 2023


The effect of this amendment will be:

  • Give notice that the charges to be paid and chargeable hours in connection with the off-street parking places will, from 2 October 2023 be varied as shown in the tables below. All other provisions in the above specified order relating to classes of vehicles, days of operation, and maximum waiting periods remain the same. In addition, any other charges listed in the above-specified order not mentioned below will remain unchanged.

Contact Us

You can still contact us with comments and queries:

By email

In writing

Engineering Services
Ashford Borough Council
International House
Dover Place
Kent TN23 1HU

Hard Copy Documents

If others are unable to view documentation online, please  write to us (address above) or call  01233 331111 to request hard copies of the deposit documents to be sent to you.

Supporting Documents

Notice of Variation 2023 [pdf] 178KB

(please email if you require an accessible version of this document).