Informal Consultations
Informal Consultations
Before we take any new proposed parking scheme to full public consultation, we will always consult with our residents that may be immediately affected by any changes we make. Below is a timeline of how long it takes to introduce new schemes:
- Prepare plans - 8 weeks
- Informal consultation (residents) - 3 weeks
- Review and amend scheme based on comments - 2 weeks
- Full public consultation - 3 weeks
- Take to Joint Transportation Board (JTB) for recommendation - JTB Occurs in March, June, September & December.
- Make the order - 1 week
- Send plans to Kent County Council to be legally signed off - 3 weeks
- Arrange a crew to install posts, signs and line the road - <6 weeks
Current Informal Consultations
Park Place
Ashford Borough Council intends to install new no waiting restrictions on the junction in Park Place for the reason of road safety concerns and emergency access.
Please complete our survey to let us know your thoughts on this scheme (closes 26/11/2024)
Loudon Court
Ashford Borough Council intends to install new no waiting restrictions on the junction to Loudon Court for the reason of road safety concerns.
Please complete our survey to let us know your thoughts on this scheme (closes 26/11/2024)
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