Our Cemeteries

We have the following four cemeteries in the borough which have a number of different faith and dedicated sections:

There are also woodland burial areas at Bybrook and Tenterden cemeteries.

Opening hours

Our cemeteries are open to visitors every day by 7.30am Monday to Saturday and by 8am on Sundays and Public Holidays.

The cemeteries close according to when the sun sets during the year:

Cemetery Closing Times
Month Closing Time
January 4pm
February 5.30pm
March 5.30pm
April 8pm
May 8pm
June 8pm
July 8pm
August 8pm
September 7pm
October 5.30pm
November 4pm
December 4pm

Outside of these hours, the cemeteries are closed and secured.

Ashford Borough Council has the right to close the cemeteries at any time without prior notice.

Dog walking

Dogs are allowed in the cemetery if accompanied by someone who is visiting/tending graves or attending a funeral. We ask that if you take your dog into our cemeteries that they are kept under control. Please keep dogs on a lead and ensure you clean up after them.


Please park on the roadways within the cemetery and allow space for other vehicles to pass. Do not park on any grass.