Tenants risk facing homelessness as under pressure landlords sell up and leave the market or cut the number of homes they rent out
Published: 05/03/2025
The number of private rented sector households at risk of homelessness is up by a third since the end of last year because of landlords selling up, according to analysis by the National Residential Landlords Association (NRLA).
Ashford-based lettings agency, ABC Lettings, says the NRLA report highlights the need to encourage responsible landlords to stay in the market to provide the vital ‘homes to rent’ the country desperately needs.
According to Government data, between October and December 2023, 5,400 households in the private rented sector in England qualified for council support to prevent homelessness after their landlord decided to sell the property. Between April and June 2024, this rose to 7,130 households.
Further, our data shows around 50% of people approaching the council for housing advice during 2024 did so due to their landlord selling.
ABC Lettings say the figures show that selling a property is the single biggest reason for a landlord to end a tenancy, almost three times higher than the next most common reason.
“The shortage of quality homes for rent across Kent is acute – in Ashford there are 21 applicants chasing every rental property new to the market,” says Victoria Henham of ABC Lettings. “In the 20 years I have been involved in the industry, this is the toughest time for people to access housing in the private rental market.”
With the Renters Reform Bill due to become law this summer, it is forcing more landlords to consider selling up and leaving the market.
While the Bill will mean landlords cannot sell a property in the first 12 months of a tenancy, ABC Lettings argues more needs to be done to encourage responsible landlords to keep rental properties in the first place.
Government data quoted by the NRLA shows a third of landlords (31%) are planning to sell properties they rent out in the next two years, up from 22%. In contrast, just 7% say they are planning to provide new homes to rent in the next two years, compared with 11% in 2021.
ABC Lettings’ Victoria Henham said: “Tenants need greater choice and that means supporting responsible landlords to stay and continue to provide decent quality housing. I know most landlords want to do their bit to help with the current homelessness crisis, in Ashford and elsewhere.”
“Landlords need help now more than ever before and that’s where ABC Lettings come in.”
Who are ABC Lettings?
More than 10 years after the service was set up, ABC Lettings continues to work with private sector landlords to help tackle homelessness across the borough.
It works tirelessly to attract new landlords, offering a fully managed service for landlords who want a low-risk, hands off management service. For experienced landlords it also offers a tenant find service.
Victoria Henham said: “We have tenants who are ready to move into a landlord’s rented properties and we can offer a flexible package to suit each landlord’s needs.”
“Our focus is to ensure that local people who might otherwise face becoming homeless are given the opportunity to make a longer term home for themselves in the private rented sector, backed by all the experience and support that the local authority can provide.”
“Our clear message to landlords is that we can help, come and talk to us today,” added Victoria.
ABC Lettings manages more than 200 properties across Ashford, Folkestone and Hythe. It offers landlords a no hassle, no hidden cost lettings service – all from an organisation which has a reputation for a careful and considered approach and is not motivated by profit.
Dispute resolution – sustaining a tenancy
For any landlord who is thinking of serving notice (or has served notice) on a tenant. Whether it’s over rent arrears, noise complaints or a relationship breakdown ABC Lettings can use its experience to come up with a tailored solution to support the landlord in resolving the dispute and sustaining the tenancy. Therefore, ensuring continuity of income.
Bringing buyers and sellers together
ABC Lettings work with a few landlords who – even in this tough market – are looking to increase their portfolio or seeking to enter the buy to rent market.
A residential property standing empty?
Are you faced with paying a premium on the property’s council tax as a result? Speak to ABC Lettings about renting your empty property out and avoid paying that premium.
To find out more about ABC Lettings call on 01233 330811 or email abclettings@ashford.gov.uk or visit our website.