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Statement on Kingsnorth Recreation Centre

Published: 10/05/2024
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Updated on May 2024: Since the time of publication for this article, we have issued an updated statement on Kingsnorth Recreation Centre which is available to view here.

Original article dated January 2024: Ashford Borough Council has confirmed that it is in advanced negotiations to sell Kingsnorth Recreation Centre. The deal includes a community use covenant, so the building will continue to have a community use.

Kingsnorth Recreation Centre (KRC) was built in 1997 using Section 106 contributions from Persimmon Homes and the freehold is owned by Ashford Borough Council.

A Trust was set up to run KRC and it entered into a 99 year lease from the borough council on the building, with Kingsnorth Parish Council (KPC) acting as Custodian Trustee to administer the Trust. The Trust was set up in June 1998, under registered charity number 1069858.

Approximately three years ago, several Trustees left and Ashford Borough Council stepped in to assist with running the centre and took on the responsibility for repairs. The building was in need of maintenance, which the borough council has been undertaking.

Some time later the remaining Trustees resigned, which resulted in the charitable trust being wound up and it was finally removed from the charity register on 29 September 2022.

The parish council was left holding the residue of the 99 year lease and the building has remained empty for most of that time, other than for a nursery that continues to operate from an extension to the rear of the building. It had also been used by a gym operator who has recently ceased trading from the centre, leaving the main part of the building empty.

The parish council decided it didn’t want to run the centre and around the time the Trust was wound up, it approached the borough council requesting a surrender of the lease.

The borough council has been in discussion with Kingsnorth Parish Council for a considerable period of time to agree the terms of the surrender and this has only recently been completed. At no time has Ashford Borough Council attempted to force KPC out of the building and the approach to surrender the lease was made by the parish council to us.

The building has been actively marketed for months on a ‘for sale or to let’ basis, including the publication of a Public Notice in the Kentish Express inviting any objections to the proposed disposal. None were received. 

As a result of the marketing, a potential buyer has been identified. The sale has been agreed and further details of the new owner, and the sale price, will be published once we are able to do so.

It’s important to note that the nursery is not affected by the sale and continues to occupy the centre. In addition the future owner has agreed to the premises continuing to be used for election purposes by Ashford Borough Council.

A spokesman for Ashford Borough Council said: “All council assets are kept under regular review and once the lease for Kingsnorth Recreation Centre was surrendered it was decided to dispose of the asset. This will generate funds that will be reinvested in delivering services to our residents."