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ScaleUp Ashford continues to support business growth in 2024/25

Published: 25/09/2024
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Ashford Borough Council continues its commitment to supporting business and the local economy by giving five businesses the opportunity to take advantage of the Ashford based year-long programme of high growth support.

Working with the Kent Invicta Chamber of Commerce, the Scale Up Ashford programme offers up to 36 hours of intensive high-growth coaching from experienced commercial coaches. Ashford Borough Council will fund 80% of the costs with businesses contributing £50+VAT per month.

Participating businesses will be provided with opportunities to access additional funding and business support from a range of local partners, connect to likeminded businesses and showcase their products and services to a wider market.

This programme follows in the successful footsteps of Ashford Borough Council’s Scale Up Ashford programme, which has been running since 2017.

So far, 49 businesses over six cohorts have achieved an average turnover growth of around 23%, an average of £900,000 of capital investment and averaged around 38 new jobs created per cohort. See our brochure here.

Cllr Simon Betty, Cabinet Member for Commercial Property & Investment at Ashford Borough Council said: “I would encourage all small businesses in Ashford with active growth ambitions who meet the criteria to take this opportunity to apply for specialised mentoring.

“Ashford Borough Council working in partnership with Kent Invicta Chamber of Commerce, is pleased to have supported a number of SME businesses with this important initiative”.

Former participant Dominic Rees-Roberts, co-founder of Borderpoint Films added: “We are honoured to have been selected for this programme, it has been a great resource for us. Ashford should be noted for its proactive business centre.

“The ScaleUp programme has supplied us with the right tools to overcome obstacles and a coach who tailored the whole process to our company, keeping us on the right tracks to move our business forward”.

If you are interested in participating in the ScaleUp Ashford programme, please register your interest via the ScaleUp Ashford website.