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Kingsnorth Recreation Centre change of use planning application withdrawal

Published: 15/07/2024
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Ashford Borough Council can confirm that the following application (PA/2024/0645) has been withdrawn by the applicant. 

Why has it been withdrawn?

Council officers advised them that the application needed to be withdrawn as it had come to light that the description of the development proposed was incorrect as the lawful use of the part of the existing building the subject of that application was not solely Use Class F2(b) (Halls or meeting places for the principal use of the community) but also included Class E uses - indoor sport, recreation or fitness.

Therefore, the submission of a new application to include a revised description is required and is expected shortly. Planning permission is still required for the use of the building as a church.

What will happen to any comments made on the previous application?

Because of the particular circumstances here, on this occasion, we will still consider all the representations received for the now withdrawn application and these will be taken into account when the new application is assessed so members of the public will not need to re-submit their comments unless they specifically wish to revise them.

It is a quite unusual set of circumstances here and normally we would ask residents to specifically respond again on any fresh application, however we are keen to avoid many more representations that say exactly the same thing being submitted and having to be processed again, when the reason for the new application is simply a technical interpretation of planning definitions.

What does this mean, has the application gone away/changed?

The now withdrawn application has ‘gone away’ but, as mentioned above, the submission of a new application is expected shortly. Those residents who have made comments on the withdrawn application will be notified when the new one is received and validated.

What is happening with the nursery? Are they still being kicked out?

It is understood that the new application will include the retention of the nursery in the part of the building they currently occupy. However, you would need to ask the owners of the building whether or not the nursery will be allowed to continue to occupy the building.

This is not a planning matter and so no response to this question can be provided by the planning department, but the council has previously made its position clear on our website.