Have your say on Ashford Borough Council’s 2025/26 budget

Published: 10/01/2025
2025-26 budget consultation graphic from Ashford For You, with the text 'have your say now'

Ashford Borough Council (ABC) is inviting residents and businesses to share their views on our budget proposals for 2025/26.

It looks ahead to the next financial year, which runs from 1 April 2025 to 31 March 2026 and gives both the national and local context in which ABC’s budget is set.

The draft budget for 2025/26 presents a balanced position with a balancing contribution from reserves of £188,170 which is broadly in line with the Medium-Term Financial Plan (MTFP) which was presented to Cabinet in November, and formed the basis for this draft budget.

The draft budget includes a council tax increase of £5.62 for a Band D property (an increase of 11p per week) and increasing income from fees and charges.

The council tax collected by ABC is shared between Kent County Council (73%), Kent Fire and Rescue service (4%), Kent Police (11%) and parish councils (3%).

How your council tax payment to Ashford Borough Council is explained

This means ABC receives approximately 9p out of every pound of your council tax bill and with this funding ABC provides a variety of services including:

  • Waste and recycling collection
  • Street cleaning, including littering and fly tipping enforcement
  • Maintenance of parks and open spaces
  • Car parking
  • Council tax and housing benefits
  • Planning
  • Homelessness

Ashford Borough Council is committed to ensuring that its resources are allocated effectively to meet the needs of our community while adhering to its statutory duty to set a balanced budget each year. This requires us to carefully balance our spending plans within the financial constraints we face, ensuring that the services we deliver are sustainable.

The feedback we gather during this consultation will inform the final 2025/26 budget and help shape our future financial planning.

Cllr Noel Ovenden, Leader of Ashford Borough Council and Cabinet Member for Finance and Resource (with Special Responsibility for Housing & Homelessness), said:

“The draft budget for 2025/26 forecasts a modest shortfall of £188,170, which will be covered by the MTFP Risk Reserve. This demonstrates the council’s prudent financial planning and ability to respond effectively to challenges.

“With strong reserves in place, we are well-positioned to maintain our financial resilience while continuing to deliver essential services. That said, we remain mindful of potential changes arising from Government financial reform and will ensure we adapt accordingly.

“We’re eager to hear from anyone who lives or works in the Ashford borough about these proposals. Your feedback is invaluable, so please review the document and share your thoughts with us.”

Have your say now on the 2025/26 budget consultation.