Eat Well Spend Less comes to Farrow Court
Published: 21/06/2023If you need extra support as a result of rising food prices then come along to our Eat Well Spend Less roadshow on Wednesday 5 July, 10am to 2pm at Farrow Court, Stanhope Road, TN23 5FT.
The event brings together a range of partner organisations including frontline NHS staff and council officers, outreach organisations and charities, in one easy-to-access place.
It's free to attend and is open to all, not just residents of Farrow court, so everyone is welcome to pop along for all this and more:
- Guidance on shopping, preparing and cooking healthy, nutritious meals
- Benefits and housing advice and advice on what support is available locally
- Information on where and how to access local food banks along with community venues who offer free, pay as you feel or very reasonably priced meals in a social setting
- Advice from the NHS including pathways to One You services and vaccinations
- Public Health bus
- Health MOT’s from Kent Community Health (NHS) Foundation Trust
- Specialist help and advice - Falls Prevention/Postural Stability
- Specialist help and advice - Diabetes Dietitian
- Mental Health advice – We Are With You & Talk it Out.
- Recipe bags with all ingredients to make a recipe along with instructions
- Fare Share Kent Family Food Bank offering food items including fresh fruit and vegetables
- Advice on saving water and costs
- Advice and practical tips of efficiency, energy habits and how to regain control of energy bills
- The Hygiene Bank will be providing hygiene items
- Information and help to access a range of community, health and social care options
- Digital Kent – help with cheaper broadband, digital support and signposting
- Information on Alzheimer’s and Dementia
- Information from Ashford Active Retirement Association (AARA)
- Information and advice on mental health and where to access support for young adults from Porchlight
- Ashford Children’s Centre – including activities for children