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Ashford Borough Council partners with Cenergist to help tenants save money and water and help protect the local environment

Published: 30/04/2024
Plumber under a sink

Ashford Borough Council has partnered with water and energy efficiency company Cenergist to install devices free of charge that will help save water and money for the tenants and leaseholders of its 5,000-plus social homes – and enable around 750 new council homes to be built in the area.

The patented Control Flow devices help save water by regulating the water flow and stabilising water pressure, resulting in water being heated more efficiently, leading to reduced water and energy bills. The initiative provides long-term reductions in water wastage from council-owned homes as well as improving the performance of existing gas boilers.

Performance tested in the UK and Europe, Control Flow has been shown to reduce water and energy bills by up to £360 per annum, with a 98% customer satisfaction rating.

Cenergist is now contacting council tenants and leaseholders to arrange for the installation of the devices in each property’s pipework, a process that is quick and easy to complete.

The initiative will provide the water neutrality solution that enables the building of the 750 new homes by offsetting future nutrient emissions.

‘Stodmarsh ban’ holding up housebuilding

In England, waterways are protected under the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017. Natural England has mandated that developments located near vulnerable watercourses require nutrient neutrality strategies to prevent negative ecological impact.

Since July 2020, due to the poor quality of the water at Stodmarsh Lakes near Canterbury, planning applications for new homes within the River Stour catchment area have been put on hold, delaying the building of thousands of new homes in the Ashford borough. It is the same story across many other areas of England which have also been impacted by similar situations.

Working with the council, Cenergist will determine the precise number of Control Flow installations required to provide assurance for Natural England to sign off the 750 new homes.

HL2024 Inline 1P 3-4 installed

One of the Control Flow devices

Cenergist point to the use of its Control Flow technology to progress a housing development in Crawley which had previously been held up due to water neutrality concerns.

Cllr Noel Ovenden, Leader of Ashford Borough Council, said: “Since the ban on housebuilding in the River Stour catchment area was introduced, we have been working tirelessly on examining ways in which we can achieve nutrient mitigation to free up the building of much-needed homes in the borough.

“I am delighted that this initiative will not only help our tenants and leaseholders to save water and money on their energy bills, but also help unlock around 750 new homes which the council has a vested interest in.”

Caroline Gray Mason, business development director at Cenergist, said: “Nutrient neutrality is a significant challenge facing developers as they look to deliver much-needed housing in a sustainable, responsible way.

“It is essential to be on the front foot with nutrient mitigation measures to minimise the environmental impact of new developments in vulnerable areas. Securing this contract with Ashford Borough Council is a testament to Control Flow’s role to mitigate nutrient issues by reducing the level of emissions from existing homes.”

For more information on the initiative visit our dedicated water saving devices web page.

For more information on Cenergist visit their website.