Customer Service, IT and Digital Strategy
Published: 23/11/2022
Earlier this year Cabinet approved our latest Customer Service, IT and Digital Strategy, which outlines how we will develop our services digitally and put the customer at the forefront of our services.
The strategy replaces our first digital strategy, which was adopted in 2017.
Coronavirus has played a key role in how our customers transact with us. We have seen a 45% increase in website visits and an 82% reduction in face-to-face visitors since the inception of our last strategy.
There are five key strands to the latest strategy – these are:
- Residents & Local Businesses first
- Collaborate with partner groups to improve digital skills and inclusion
- Make better use of data
- Give staff the tools/skills needed to carry out their jobs safely, effectively and efficiently
- Create a modern, secure and integrated solutions and infrastructure.
Each week we will add a blog on what each of these strands of the strategy entails.