Urgent Telephone 4pm - 8.30am : 01233 331111

Severe Weather Emergency Protocol (SWEP)

Ashford Borough Council continues to be committed to work with single homeless people who find themselves homeless.

We have a dedicated team who work with rough sleepers, actively supporting people with individual care plans and needs assessments, to identify their principal needs and work with each client to signpost and ‘handhold’ to the relevant outside agencies, alongside assisting them into accommodation. Some clients may initially refuse this assistance and chose to continue to sleep rough. Our team will continue to engage with them and encourage them to accept the help.

We understand that the winter period often presents greatest risks to people’s health. It may provide increased opportunities to engage with ‘entrenched’ rough sleepers and other hard-to-reach groups, as they may be more likely to accept support at this time of year. Therefore, when the weather temperature is forecast at zero degrees or below for three consecutive days, according to the Met Office, we will implement our Severe Weather Emergency Protocol (SWEP).

To report a rough sleeper you can complete the form on our webpage or you can call 01233 331111, both of which are available 24/7.

View Ashford Borough Council SWEP Protocol 2024 [pdf] 163KB.

It is important to note that even when SWEP is in place, we cannot forcefully intervene if someone refuses our assistance.

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