Our Contractors
We use approved contractors for all our repairs and improvement works. Our general repairs and heating contractors have long-term contracts.
We tender work from approved contractors for improvement project and for non-standard repairs. We will also look to hire specialists and use locally-based traders, where possible.
Sureserve Compliance South (formerly known as Swale Heating) is our heating and hot water contractor.
They provide regular servicing and safety compliancy testing, breakdown repair and installation works to our domestic and communal heating and hot water systems. They are available 24 hours a day, every day of the year.
They can be contacted by reporting a repair.
GCS (GCS Compliance Ltd) is our gas compliance and heating repair management contractor.
GCS are a specialist consultant who are our independent heating and hot water agents. They oversee and manage the heating contract to ensure Sureserve Compliance South (formerly known as Swale Heating) provide you a good service. If you have an issue or enquiry regarding your service or repair by Sureserve Compliance South (formerly known as Swale Heating) or you are not happy with the service you are being provided by them, you should contact GCS where they will investigate your issues and also let us know they are doing this for you.
They are open Monday to Friday between 8am and 5pm, excluding bank holidays, and can be contacted by phone on 01634 295515 or you can email GCS or visit their online webpage.
If you have an issue and you are not happy with the service GCS are providing you, then you should email Planned Maintenance.
Do not allow anyone into your home who is not expected and does not have photo ID. Phone 01233 331111 so that we can check if we have sent a contractor.
Contractors Code of Conduct
We expect the following from all our contractors whilst they work in your home:
- Keep it secure at all times;
- Protect it as much as possible from damage, dust, dirt and debris;
- Clean up after themselves when they complete the work;
- Consider your health and safety;
- Respect you and your home;
- Treat everyone equally and embrace diversity;
- Make reasonable concessions to specific requests;
- Carry and show photo ID;
- Be polite, and don’t use offensive language or gestures;
- Refrain from using radios;
- Refrain from using anything belonging to you or your facilities;
- Refrain from smoking or eating in or near your home.
We ask you to do the following:
- Be polite and respectful to the tradesperson;
- Keep children and pets away from the area of work;
- Remove or protect any fragile personal possessions in the area;
- Do not touch or tamper with the works or any equipment whilst works are being carried out;
- Remove or protect any fragile personal possessions in the area;
- Move anything that belongs to you, if asked;
- Be patient and accepting that works may take some time and may cause some disruption.
Contractors will not carry out any works in your home if no-one over the age of 18 is available to give access. They also have the right to leave your home if they feel in any way unsafe, threatened, verbally abused or physically injured. This could be caused by you, anyone in your household or anyone who is visiting you.
These concerns will be reported to us as your landlord. We take any such behaviour extremely seriously and it may result in action being taken against your tenancy.