Tenant Engagement Strategy
Welcome to the dedicated page for our Tenant Engagement Strategy.
This document sets out key priorities for how we want to collaborate with tenants and leaseholders to create a better housing service. It details our commitment to engaging with our tenants before we make decisions and ensuring that they are at the heart of all that we do.
To help make sure we stay on track, and to enable you to hold us to account, an action plan has been created to help bring our engagement strategy to life. We will actively measure our success against each year of our three-year plan and publish our results to you as we go along. If you feel that we are not living up to our commitments we want to know so please never hesitate to email our Tenant Engagement Team or pick up the phone and have a chat on 01233 330573.
Download a PDF of our Tenant Engagement Strategy [pdf] 668KB or it can be viewed below.