Urgent Telephone Weekends : 01233 331111

Moving Out

If you are moving out of your council property, then you will fall into one of the following categories:

  • You have been allocated a new property with ourselves or with a housing association;
  • You have found someone to complete a Mutual exchange with;
  • You are giving up your tenancy.


You will need to apply for a transfer through the Choice Based Lettings (CBL) process. CBL allows you to bid for suitable housing association or council properties.

If your bid is successful you will be contacted by your Neighbourhood Housing Officer. They will arrange a pre-transfer inspection. This inspection is to check the condition of your home and if you have carried out any alterations without permission. If you have then this could affect your move. You can report any outstanding repairs during this inspection.

Once you pass the pre-transfer inspection you will be contacted to arrange a viewing at your prospective new property and follow the moving in procedure. You must ensure that there are no possessions – including carpets, furniture, curtains or light fittings – left in your old property. You will be charged for any items left in the property or garden after you have moved.

This process can take as little as four days. This is a really quick turn around, but we have a responsibility to maximise rental income and have to be quite firm about this timeframe.

Giving up your tenancy

Please complete the appropriate Intention Notice to Vacate form below to inform us of your intention to leave your council property. Once we have received your form we will contact you to complete further verification checks.

Please note you will need to download the YOTI app on iPhone or Android device and register your details. This app allows you to electronically sign documents.

Intention of Notice to Vacate – when all tenants are leaving the property

Intention to Vacate (Partner Remaining) – when at least one person from the householder (e.g. partner), is remaining in the property

Intention to end a tenancy when a tenant is deceased – when there are no persons remaining at the property. If someone is remaining at the property please contact the relevant Neighbourhood Housing Officer.

Returning keys

Once you have completed the necessary documentation, you will be told how to return your keys. A key safe will be installed at the property for you to leave your keys in.

Remember to notify us when you have left the key in the key safe, failure to do so will result in additional rent being charged as the account cannot be closed until the correct notification has been received. Please complete the Online Key Return Form  to advise us the key has been left safely in the key safe.

If you would like further guidance or your Neighbourhood Housing Officer to visit you to discuss/help identify any work that maybe required, then please contact us. Phone 01233 330688 or email our housing team.