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Housing News

Welcome to our web page dedicated to news about your housing service. This is the place to see information regarding key current and upcoming projects in housing that affect tenants and leaseholders. You can also sign up for for our quarterly newsletter to be sent straight to your mailbox to help keep you informed.

Newsletter signup

Our quarterly newsletters 'Housing Matters' can be viewed and downloaded. Our Housing Matters newsletter provides a roundup of all things housing along with support and advice for our tenants and leaseholders.

If you would like to receive these automatically when they are published, sign up by completing our online form using the link at the top of this webpage. Paper copies, including larger print versions, can also be requested.

World Refugee Day - 20 June

Added 14.06.24

We are holding an event on 20 June as part of World Refugee Day and would love you to come along. It is a chance to find out more about the work that Ashford does with the refugee community. The Resettlement Team will be in attendance as well as guest speakers, music, art, activities and the chance to gather and meet with friends. Feel free to bring along a plate of food, however snacks will be provided. 

The event runs from 1pm-4.30pm at Christchurch Community Hall, Christchurch Road, Ashford, TN23 7XB on 20 June.

Eat Well, Spend Less Event - 10 July 

Added 14.06.24

The next Eat Well, Spend Less event will be held during the Ashford Food and Drink Festival on 10 July. This time we will have stalls and gazebos at the One You Shop in Ashford town centre and Park Mall from 10am - 3pm. A variety of agencies and organisations attend these events to help provide advice to residents, ranging from benefits advice to health checks. There is also a food and hygiene bank providing essential supplies. Our Housing Officers always attend these events, so pop along if you need any advice or want to chat about estate management, rents or other housing-related issues too.

Court Wurtin flats renovation

Added 14.06.24

The total renovation of two empty flats at Court Wurtin in South Ashford, just off Beaver Lane, is nearly finished. The project focused on bringing them back into use, securing stairwells, creating a bin store for unsightly trolleys and rubbish, and improving the look of the surrounding area. It is anticipated that the flats, located above a parade of shops in Court Wurtin, will be let this summer. For more information see our latest news update on Court Wurtin.

Electrical Installation Condition Checks

Updated 14.06.24

As part of our safety commitments, we check the condition of electrical installations in all of our properties. It is important that tenants allow access for checks to be carried out, as faulty and old wiring is one of the main causes of electrical fires within the home. It is also part of your tenancy agreement that you allow us access to make sure your home is safe. We are working with a company called NRT who will look to book appointments with you, will check the condition of cables, switches, sockets and other accessories helping to reduce these potential risks. Any works that are required can then be actioned swiftly.  If you receive a letter requesting an electrical test (EICR) from us, please get in touch with the details on the letter to arrange an appointment. Further information on electrical and other safety in the home can be found on our Living Safely in Your Home webpage.

Housing stock condition survey update

Updated 14.06.24

A company called Ridge is assessing the condition of our properties across the borough. As part of this project they require access to your home for a short while to carry out a visual survey. The assessment will help to prioritise maintenance and improvement projects across homes, helping us to maintain and improve living standards, ensure safety, and promote better well-being for residents. Ridge will be in touch via letter when they are due to visit your area. More information and updates can be found on our homes survey webpage

Water saving devices

Updated 14.06.24

A project to install water saving devices into housing properties continues across the borough. These devices, that are FREE for tenants and leaseholders, help to save water by regulating the water flow and stabilising water pressure, resulting in water being heated more efficiently, leading to reduced water and energy bills.

Project managers Cenergist, who are managing the project, will contact you to book an appointment via telephone or in person when they are visiting your area. They will be as flexible as possible with appointment times and will be in your home for just a short period of time to install the device to the pipework. While there, they will also check your property for any internal shower, toilet or tap leaks, and if they are able to repair them, they will do so at no extra cost.

More information and updates on the project can be found at our water saving devices information and project page.

Neighbourhood Housing Officer contact details

Updated 24.04.24

A lot of tenants have told us that they do not know who their housing officer is or how to get hold of them when they need to. As our housing officers and team change over time it can also mean that the contact details that you have can become out of date.

To help make things easier we have set dedicated email addresses and telephone numbers for the area that you live in. This means that there will always be a single point of contact for you throughout your tenancy that never changes. Any contact details for housing officers that you are currently talking to will still work. However, using the new details means that if your officer ever changes you will not need to find out who has replaced them. Tenants will receive letters of who looks after their area but they can also be found on our Find Your Housing Officer webpage.

Annual tenant satisfaction survey - results now out!

Updated 24.04.24

The results of our tenant satisfaction survey for 2023-24 are now published. Thank you again to all 1,021 of you that took part. You rated us with an overall satisfaction score of 63.2% for the services provided by Ashford Borough Council. All responses have been analysed and action plans to address areas that require improvements have been put into place. We will keep you updated of those across the year. Details of all 12 of the topics that we asked how satisfied you were with, and more details of the survey results can be seen on our dedicated survey webpage.

Housing Matters spring newsletter

Added 24.04.2024

The spring copy of our tenant and leaseholder newsletter is now published. Copies should have been received via post and email but let us know if you haven't received one so that we can pop one in the post to you. It can also be viewed and downloaded on our Housing Matters dedicated webpage.

Archived news articles 

+ Consultation for development at Eastmead Avenue - Added 24.04.24

The council is currently in the second phase of consulting residents regarding a proposed development at Eastmead Avenue, Ashford, and would love to hear your views about the plans. The site is being earmarked to transform derelict land, that can be blighted by fly-tipping and anti-social behaviour, into 28 new affordable homes as well as plans for a public green space and community project, amongst other ideas. These homes are planned to have strong green credentials such as solar panels, green roofs and water harvesting systems.

If you would like to look at the plans and comment about the proposals go online to the consultation page on the following link Coneybeare Site Development Project | Have Your Say Ashford. You can also provide your views at a public consultation event being held on 9 May at Christ Church Community Hall, Ashford, TN23 7XB. More details about the event can be seen on the consultation page.

+ Stigma in social housing survey - Added 24.04.24

There is a chance to take place in a survey looking into the stigma that can sometimes be attached to those living in social housing. It is being conducted by the Stop Social Housing Stigma (SSHS) Campaign, the Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH), TPAS, Amanze Ejiogu (Sheffield Hallam University) and Mercy Denedo (Durham University Business School). All responses are anonymous and will help them to develop a self-assessment toolkit for landlords, like us, to address this stigma with tenants, contractors and other partners. It is so important that people's preconceptions of those living in social housing are challenged and that their interactions with services aren't biased. If you would like to take part in the survey please use the following link Social Housing Stigma Survey - Stop Social Housing Stigma.

+ Spring cleaning - Added 24.04.24

If you are thinking of tackling a spring clean and accumulate any excess waste or rubbish, please make sure it is disposed of in the right way. You can contact a licensed waste carrier to collect items but you must make sure that they have a valid waste carrier’s licence. Without one, waste could be disposed of illegally and you could be liable for a fine for using them. Please visit waste carriers, brokers and dealers to check waste carrier licences.

You can also book a bulky waste collection by the council. The fees for collection are £39 for up to four items. Or for white goods, such as washing machines, fridges, freezers, etc. (but not large American style) the fee is £26 for each item. For a list of what can and can’t be collected, and to book a collection please see the information on how to book a large item collection and which items can be collected.

Alternatively, you can take certain items yourself to the Ashford Household Waste Recycling Centre, located at Cobbs Wood Industrial Estate, Brunswick Road, Ashford, TN23 1EL. You can check which items can be taken there and book a slot using Ashford Household Waste Recycling Centre.


+ Housing Ombudsman resident panel - Added 14.03.24

The Housing Ombudsman is inviting tenants across England to apply to join their Resident Panel and contribute to the work that they do in improving residents’ lives through landlords’ services. As a panel member, you will be able to share experiences and suggest improvements through virtual discussions and regular meetings with the Ombudsman. This is a great opportunity for you to be part of their vision to embed a positive complaint handling culture across the Housing sector and make sure residents’ views are heard.

For more information and to apply please visit Join the Housing Ombudsman Resident Panel | Housing Ombudsman (housing-ombudsman.org.uk). Applications will close on 30 April 2024.

The Housing Ombudsman’s website also has a wealth of information and advice for tenants about all things housing. To read more visit www.housing-ombudsman.org.uk


+ Bin collections -Added 12.03.24

Don’t forget that from 25 March all domestic waste and recycling services for the borough will be carried out by a new contractor called SUEZ. Information regarding the new service and any changes to your collection, if any, will be sent to you in the post. More information is available by downloading the new waste and recycling service guide [pdf] 11901KB.


+ Housing stock condition surveys - Updated 06.03.2024

Surveys to look at the condition of our housing stock will take place across 2024. Regular assessments of homes allow us to prioritise maintenance and improvement projects based on the urgency or severity of issues. Appointments will be made with tenants, and surveys should take around an hour to carry out. We encourage all appointments to be kept, as assessing homes is vital for us to maintain and improve living standards, ensure safety, and promote better well-being for residents. We want to ensure that our homes meet the Decent Homes Standard set by the Regulator of Social Housing. For more information about the upcoming surveys please visit our housing homes survey webpage with frequently asked questions.


+ Home Upgrade Grant Phase 2 - Added 06.03.2024

People living in homes which don’t have gas heating systems still have time to take advantage of a grant scheme which provides energy efficiency and clean heating upgrades to low-income households. Home Upgrade Grant Phase 2 (HUG2) funds energy-saving upgrades for residents who don’t heat their homes by mains gas. Dozens of Ashford residents have already responded, checking on their eligibility to apply and starting the application process. HUG2 funding is open to private tenants, landlords and home-owners. You can find out more at our Home Upgrade Grant webpage


+ Housing Matters latest newsletter - Added 06.03.2024

Our most recent copy of our tenant and leaseholder newsletter is now available. Copies will have been received via post and email. It can also be viewed and downloaded on our Housing Matters dedicated webpage.

+ Noakes Meadow play area consultation - Updated 06.03.24

Noakes Meadow has funding from Section 106 (Local Development) and Housing to improve the open space. The money can only be spent on improving the area there and replacing/renovating the play area. We asked you what kinds of play equipment and changes you would like to see. Thank you to all those who participated in the survey which closed on the 9 February. It was great to see the community so excited about something positive being done to the area and plans are being put into place based on feedback. The new space is due to be unveiled later this year. We can't wait to see the improvements to Noakes Meadow.

+ Come and meet us! - Added 06.03.24

The Tenant Engagement team as well as other housing officers regularly take part in Eat Well, Spend Less Roadshows that are held across the borough. It is a chance for us to meet tenants and residents and help signpost them for our services. The event also has a variety of other participants involved in healthcare, wellbeing and community support, as well as a foodbank and hygiene products.

The next confirmed event is on Wednesday 17 April 2024 - 10am-2pm - St Francis Church and Hall, Cryol Road, Ashford, TN23 5AS

Other dates for events and opportunities to meet us, can be found on our Tenant Engagement webpage. Come and say hi!

+ Pet Policy - Added 05.02.24

Ashford Borough Council Housing recognises that pet ownership can be very beneficial for the wellbeing of our tenants, improving mental health, reducing loneliness and can help maintain a healthy and active lifestyle. We now have a pet policy for all our tenants to allow pets in all our properties while ensuring the wellbeing of every animal and the surrounding community.

The council will liaise with the dog warden and animal welfare organisations to ensure the best possible advice, information and expertise are readily available to help tenants look after their pet.

Please visit our dedicated webpage to find out more www.ashford.gov.uk/pet-policy

+ Tenant Engagement Strategy - Added 26.01.24

We now have a three-year Tenant Engagement Strategy and action plan in place! The document sets out key priorities for how we want to collaborate with tenants and leaseholders to create a better housing service. It details our commitment to engaging with our tenants before we make decisions and ensuring that they are at the heart of all that we do.

It will be a very busy but important journey to bring our plans for engagement to life. More detail of what is coming up and how you can get involved can be found on our dedicated tenant engagement strategy page.

+ Fire safety in communal areas - Added 16.01.24

The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, applies to virtually all premises including communal areas in blocks of flats and other multi-occupied dwellings. Part of the legislation involves landlords taking reasonable steps to reduce the risk from fire and to ensure people can escape safely if a fire does occur.

As part of this process, we require items kept in communal areas to be removed so that they do not cause an obstruction for exiting the building in the event of a fire or potentially catch alight. The biggest risk of fire is the charging of lithium batteries for items such as electric bikes, mobility scooters and electric toys.

Neighbourhood Housing Officers will be working together with our safety team, the local fire and rescue service and tenants to ensure that these safety regulations are adhered to. Notice will be given to tenants for any items that require removal and any items not removed in a set timeframe, will be arranged for removal by the team. Please note that all tenancy agreements state that communal areas in flats must be kept clear.

+ Annual tenant satisfaction survey - updated 16.01.24

Our annual tenant satisfaction survey for 2023/24 has closed. The results are currently being analysed, every single comment reviewed and action plans created for us to address areas where we need to do better. We must submit the results and plans to Cabinet in March and then will be able to share those with you shortly afterwards. All satisfaction figures are submitted to the Housing Regulator, so that they, as well as you, can hold us to account. Thank you again to all those who took part.

+ Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund (SHDF) - updated 16.01.24

The project to improve energy efficiency in 727 of our properties is due to start physically being rolled out later this month. You might have seen a small site set up with a portacabin in the parking area behind Swan House on Bybrook Road, Kennington. This site will provide a base for the team from Baxter Kelly who we are working with to deliver the project in selected properties nearby. For further information about the project please visit our Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund webpage.

+ Awaab’s Law government consultation - added 16.01.24

The government ran a consultation to seek views on its proposals for new requirements and obligations for social housing landlords regarding repair timescales and how they deal with repair works. Tenants were invited to complete an online survey by 5 March 2024 to share their thoughts on the plans.

In 2023, Awaab’s Law became part of the Social Housing (Regulation) Act. Awaab’s Law was founded on campaigning from the family of Awaab Ishak who died in Rochdale in December 2020, due to a severe respiratory condition from prolonged exposure to mould in his home. His tragic death has highlighted the need to eradicate hazards in social homes and to improve standards to ensure that tragedies like this do not occur again.

+ Repairs service consultation - added 16.01.24

Following on from the news that our responsive repairs service was coming in-house from 1 December 2023, we ran a consultation to find out from tenants and leaseholders what they would like from the service. Questions were asked to assess demand for services provided by other social housing providers, not currently available to Ashford, as well as other potential service improvements.

Thank you to all those who took part. The results and actions from your feedback can be found on the following repairs webpage. We will be updating this page with our progress against the actions throughout the year.