Urgent Telephone 4pm - 8.30am : 01233 331111

Application For A Plot At Chilmington Gypsy And Traveller Site

Are You Working? *

Household Details

Please provide the full names of all the people who will live on the site with you.

If no fixed abode please give a contact address where letters can be sent to you
All of the replies I have given on this form are true to the best of my knowledge. I understand that if I do not tell the truth or give any false or misleading information this may affect my application and I may be removed from the Councils waiting list. If it is discovered that this form has not been completed fully or truthfully after I have been allocated a plot I understand that it may result in action to evict me from the site. I understand that any information that I have provided on this form or to the officers considering my application may be shared with other agencies or other social housing providers and / or the Gypsy Unit at Kent County Council. Authorisation I give my permission that enquiries may be made of any present and previous landlords and any relevant agencies and / or individuals, including Police records, to assist in Ashford Borough Councils investigations into your application. A photocopy of this authorisation may be used when information requests are made. I understand that the information obtained under these enquiries will be treated as confidential provided that I have not tried to mislead or withhold information which is required to support my application. Information may be used to share with relevant partner organisations and shared with other bodies or departments for the prevention and detection of fraud. I will notify Ashford BC of any important changes which might affect my application such as changes in address, or changes within my household You will need to provide the following with your application: Proof of your identity– eg driving licence A passport sized photograph of the applicant and any partner Proof of ID for other members of the household who wish to live with you eg birth certificates / driving licence
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