Urgent Telephone Weekends : 01233 331111

Equalities Information

The council must publish, annually, information it holds for people with protected characteristics under the Equalities Act 2010 who are either council employees or residents affected by the council's services or policies.

More detailed information on each of the equalities and diversity characteristics can be found on the Kent County Council (KCC) web pages, whilst information on conception, pregnancy and births can be found on the Office for National Statistics.

Ashford Borough Council's workforce

Workforce as at 31 March 2024

Breakdown of Full time and Part time employees as at 31 March 2024
 Sex   Headcount  Full time  Part time  FTE
 Male 242 223 19 238.93
 Female 320 212 108 284.81
 Total 562 435 127 523.74


Ethnicity and Disability declarations of workforce as at 31 March 2024
 Sex  Ethnicity*  Disability
 Male 13 <20
 Female 26 <30
 Total 39 41

* This includes 7 members of staff who have chosen not to provide their ethnicity details

Age bands of workforce as at 31 March 2024
 Age band  Number in band
 Under 25  24
 25-34  99
 35-44  107 
 45-54  185
 55-64  127
 65+  20
 Total  562

Customer care

We aim to treat everyone in a polite, friendly and fair way. We are committed to equality when delivering all of our services. Read our Customer Care Policy [pdf] 488KB for further details on this.

Council services

Council policies and procedures are analysed to ensure that they do not discriminate or adversely impact residents with protected characteristics. Such assessments of impact are most often conducted when the policy or procedure is set to be considered or amended by elected Members – normally at Cabinet Committee stage. This is done either by report authors filling out the Impact Assessment section of cabinet reports or by attaching a more detailed Impact Assessment document.

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