Urgent Telephone Weekends : 01233 331111

Students and Apprentices

Council tax discounts are available for students and apprentices. 

Student Discounts

Students can qualify for a discount or exemption. They need to be undertaking a full-time course of higher education at a prescribed educational establishment. The course must last at least one year and involve at least an average of 21 hours a week and last at least 24 weeks in the year. 

Students may also apply for a discount if they are under 20 years of age and are studying a course that is at least 12 hours a week and lasts more than three calendar months. 

In addition, the person must supply a council tax certificate issued by the college or university. Please note that a certificate of enrolment or a notification of grant award letter is not acceptable.

Apprentice Discount

Apprentices can apply for a discount. They must be employed for the purpose of learning a trade, business, profession or vocation. 

They must also be undertaking a programme or training leading to a qualification accredited by the National Council for Vocational Qualification or the Scottish Vocational Education Council. 

Apprentices must be employed with a total salary or allowance (or both) that is substantially less than the salary they would earn once they have completed their qualification. They must earn no more than £196 per week. 

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