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Ashford Rural Green Business Grant Application

Before completing this form, you will need to provide the following evidence:

  • The applicant is the freeholder or leaseholder, or where written consent from the site owner to carry out the work has been obtained and submitted
  • The applicant has the funds available for their share of the project costs (20%, excluding VAT)
  • The applicant should demonstrate they have considered the Planning guidance in relation to their project and have submitted a Planning Application where necessary
  • For projects costing up to £3,123 (excluding VAT), one fully costed quote for the works is necessary. For projects costing more than this, three fully costed quotes will be necessary.
  • An energy audit report or EPC assessment undertaken for the property if available
  • Recent photos of the site, clearly showing the areas the project will address
  • Details of any grants or funding received from a public authority in the previous three years


Select yes or no to the following questions. You must be able to answer in accordance with the Grant policy to be eligible for the Grant.

Your project

Please detail where, how, when and by who the works are due to be carried out, why the works are needed and how this will be beneficial to your business/premises and the surrounding area. This is a capital fund as defined by Defra and therefore no revenue costs or associated work can be eligible through these schemes.
E.g. oil, gas, electricity, heat pump, other
in kWh and/or litres per annum
In m2

About you


You will need to upload the following evidence in order for us to accept your application. If you have any issues uploading your evidence please email prosperity.funding@ashford.gov.uk. You must upload evidence to support your application. You can't continue until you have done so. Click Choose Files and select multiple files at the same time (by using CTRL and click to select multiple files - it may be easier to save all of your evidence in one folder and then upload them altogether), if necessary. If you select a wrong file, click Choose Files again and click Cancel. You can then reupload your files from scratch. If you want to add additional uploads, this will replace any that you have already uploaded, so please upload all documents in one go.

Selected files:

Selected files:

Selected files:

Selected files:

Selected files:

Selected files:

Selected files:

Selected files:

Financial Assistance could include Discretionary Covid Business Grants, other business grants or Discretionary Rate Relief for your Business Rates. Please list the funding name, date received and the amount. If you have not received any such funding please write N/A


Data Protection Statement

Data Protection - Ashford Borough Council is the data controller for any personal information held in this form. Your information will be used to administrate Ashford Rural England Prosperity Fund grants, and processing is being conducted relying upon the public interest legal basis. Your data may be shared with other departments within the council, HMRC and other government departments for the purpose of improving services, keeping records up-to-date and for the protection of the public fund. We will not share your personal information with any third parties unless we are required or permitted to do so by law. For more information about your data protection rights please see the Council’s data protection pages which can be found on our website or contact the Data Protection Officer at, The Data Protection Officer, Ashford Borough Council, Civic Centre, Tannery Lane, Ashford TN23 1PL.

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