Urgent Telephone Weekends : 01233 331111

Right To Reply

Notes For Businesses

A food business operator has the 'right to reply' to the food hygiene rating they are given.

This gives you the chance to explain any action you have taken to improve the premises. Improvements you need to make will be detailed on your Report of Visit form.

This also gives you an opportunity to explain any circumstances around the initial inspection. Please note that this form is not designed for making complaints, or for criticising the scheme or the food safety officer.

Please complete the form below if you'd like to use your 'right to reply'.

Your comments will be reviewed by the food safety officer. Any offensive or defamatory comments will be edited out before publication. Comments and your food hygiene rating will be published on the Food Standards Agency website.

A supporting statement will state that the accuracy of your comments have not been verified by local authority officers.

Business details

Inspection details


I agree with the inspection results *
I have since carried out the following improvements (tick all that apply):
The conditions found at the time of the inspection were not typical of the normal conditions maintained at the establishment *
(please explain below why the conditions arose, you can also state any other improvements made).

Data Protection Statement

Data Protection - Ashford Borough Council is the data controller for any personal information collected in this ‘right to reply’ and or ‘appeals’ form. Your information will be used to administrate your registration, and processing is being conducted relying upon a public task legal basis. Your registration details will be shared with Trading Standards and details of the registration will be retained on our Food Premises Register, which is available for public inspection. Your data may be shared with other departments within the council for the purpose of improving services, keeping records up-to-date and for the protection of the public fund, you can find further information about data sharing to identify fraud on our Data Sharing to Identity Fraud page.

Details of your business will be published on the Food Hygiene Rating Scheme website. For those premises that are privates houses, only partial address details will be published, e.g. “Business Name, Private address: registered with Ashford local authority, TN23”. Your information will be retained as long as your business operates + 12 years. For more information about your data protection rights please see our Data Protection page or contact the Data Protection Officer by post: Ashford Borough Council, Civic Centre, Tannery Lane, Ashford, Kent, TN23 1PL or email: FOI@ashford.gov.uk.

Please tick this box to consent to the above use of your data
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