Urgent Telephone Weekends : 01233 331111

Partly Empty Properties

If part of your property is empty for a short period of time then you can apply to have your business rates bill reduced. Please email us, providing a plan of your property and highlighting the areas of your property that are occupied and unoccupied, to apply for a reduction.

Once we have received your information, we will arrange an inspection of your premises to verify your claim. We will then contact the Valuation Office if we think you should qualify for the relief. They will issue a certificate to confirm what the rateable value would be for both the empty and occupied parts.

Once the certificate is issued we will apply the appropriate relief or exemption for the empty area and then send you a revised bill. You must continue to pay your full bill while your application is in progress.

Please contact the revenues service if you receive any notices from us in this period regarding non-payment. That will allow us to come to organise a payment arrangement.

Our property inspector will visit properties that have been given the relief from time to time to check that the reduction is still valid. You’ll need to re-apply for the relief at the start of each financial year.

Government regulations state that this form of relief should only be awarded for short periods of time. Therefore, you should be prepared to pay full rates for your next year’s bill if we decide the relief is no longer applicable.

For more information please contact the Revenues Service on 01227 862316, or email businessrates@ashford.gov.uk.