Sundry Debtor Invoice Refund Form

You should complete this form if you have been notified that your invoice is in credit. If there are any other debts owed to the Council we may use some or all of the credit to clear them before any refunds are made.

To receive a refund, please complete all sections of this form before completing the declaration and submitting the form to us.

A refund will be issued direct to your bank or building society by BACS (Banks Automated Clearing System).  Ashford Borough Council uses BACS to provide a quicker, secure and reliable payment method for issuing refunds.

If different to person named on the invoice e.g. Executor claims
Please enter your sort code without hyphens
In checking the declaration box below and claiming the refund you confirm that you are entitled to this refund. In the case of a claim on behalf of a deceased person, where no Will exists, you are confirming that you are authorised to claim the refund and indemnify the Council against any further claims.
(We will send you acknowledgment of your form submission if you provide your email address)

Data Protection

Ashford Borough Council is the data controller for any personal information held in this form. Your information will be used to administrate a Sundry debtor refund, and processing is being conducted relying upon the public interest legal basis. Your data may be shared with other departments within the council for the purpose of improving services, keeping records up-to-date and for the protection of the public fund. We will not share your information with any third parties unless we are required or permitted to do so by law. Your information will be retained for 7yrs in line with our financial records. For more information about your data protection rights please see the Council’s data protection pages which can be found at or contact the Data Protection Officer at, The Data Protection Officer, Ashford Borough Council, Civic Centre, Tannery Lane, Ashford TN23 1PL.