Safety Advisory Group
We operate a Safety Advisory Group (SAG) for event organisers and are here to offer support and guidance to ensure all events are run as safely as possible. The SAG is an advisory body and, although it cannot directly prevent an event from taking place, an event organiser should follow all the advice given. Further action may be taken by the member agencies to events breaching safety guidance if appropriate.
All event notification is now required via our EventApp (click button below to visit the app). The event app allows all documentation to be completed in one place and will then be assessed by the SAG on completion. You will find helpful documents on the app to assist you in planning for your event, including templates on risk assessments, event management plans and medical checklists.
Street parties for Victory in Europe (VE) and Victory over Japan (VJ) day celebrations
You can apply to close a road for a street party and to attach lightweight bunting or flags to streetlights to celebrate VE and VJ days and the ending of World War 2.
Event requirements
If you have been given permission to host a street party, the event must be:
- Organised for residents and neighbours only
- Free to attend
- On a residential road (for example a cul-de-sac or where traffic is not able to access another road from the event road) where only resident traffic will be affected
The event must not:
- Damage the road surface
- Disrupt local residents with music or other noise
- Be on a road which needs to be used to access shops or other businesses
- Be on a road which provides access to a public car park (other than a residents’ only car park)
- Involve any commercial activity within the road closure area
You must make sure:
- All rubbish is cleared up
- Signs are clearly visible to all road users
- Access is still possible by emergency service vehicles
- Disabled drivers can still access disabled parking bays
The dates celebrations can take place:
- VE Day 3rd through to the 11th of May
- VJ Day 15th through to the 17th of August
- Permission will be given for one day celebrations only
- Celebrations are to finish by 11pm.
Please note: The deadline date for VE applications is March the 22nd and the deadline for the VJ applications is June the 27th.
- A blanket email will be sent out one week after the deadline closes to all successful applicants. Unsuccessful applicants will receive an email before the deadline date.
- There will be no charge for closing these roads for residential street parties.
Please apply via this link to KCC Highways.
Road closure requirements
You will need to seek permission to close a road for an event. If your event requires a possible road closure, please ensure you notify SAG as early as possible but allow at least twelve weeks notice in case a Safety Advisory Group meeting is required to discuss the event. The process for this is also completed via the Event App.
Licences or Temporary Event Notices (TENs)
Where a licence or temporary event notice is necessary for licensable activities (such as the sale of alcohol, playing of recorded music, live music, or, film) you will need to submit an application with sufficient notice before the planned event. Please see our webpages on applying for a Temporary Event Notice or a Premises Licence for further information. Please be aware that conducting licensable activities without the relevant licence(s) may result in prosecution.
Security advice for event organisers
Counter Terrorism Policing for the South East has produced a guidance document for event organisers to help you understand what can be done to improve safety at events and decrease the likelihood of any attack. Please find this document and further advice under ‘ACT event guidance’ within the Event App.
Contact us
If you have any questions concerning the Event App process or require any additional support on your application please email the Safety Advisory Group.
For any technical queries relating to EventApp, please call the software provider on 020 7620 0391 or email and their customer support team will be happy to help.