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Ward Member Community Grant Scheme

This grant scheme provides each Ashford Borough Ward Councillor with the ability to financially support local community projects and services and to therefore play a more active role in their ward.

Funding available

Each Ashford Borough Ward Councillor has £3,000 in the financial year (April–March) to allocate to projects within their ward. The minimum grant under this scheme is £100.

What will the grant pay for?

The grant can provide either revenue funding to pay for venue hire or capital funding to pay for the purchase of equipment.

It is the discretion of the Ward Member which local projects and services to fund as long as it is legal, does not conflict with council policy/priorities and directly benefits residents in the Councillor's own ward or adjacent ward, for example, a local primary school activity or local sports club used by them in a neighbouring ward.  

Funding is available to cover project costs for up to one year only.

The scheme does not fund projects that have already been delivered or work that has already been carried out, or reimburse money that has already been spent.

Who can apply?

  • Not for profit organisations with a formal charitable status
  • An unincorporated organisation with a constitution and a formally appointed voluntary management committee
  • Local branches of registered charities 
  • A Parish Council or Community Council (on condition that the funding is for something that provides additionality)
  • A faith based organisation where the project is open to the wider community and does not have any religious bias or religious recruitment attached to the project

Who cannot apply?

  • Individuals
  • Sole Traders
  • Organisations that are aimed at generating profits primarily for private distribution
  • Organisations that can pay profits to directors or shareholders
  • Community Interest Companies (CIC's) limited by shares
  • Mainstream public services e.g. health, education
  • Churches/faith groups to fund their core purposes e.g. Religious instruction and recruitment
  • Political Parties

How to apply for funding

You must contact your Ashford Borough Councillor to discuss your project.

You cannot submit an application form for a ward member grant until you have discussed your project with your Ward Councillor and he/she has agreed to give you a grant towards it.

Your Ward Councillor can advise and help you though the application process and will be able to explain the conditions and criteria of the scheme in more detail when you speak to him/her.

If your Ward Councillor agrees to give you a grant, he/she will send you an application form. You must complete the application form and return it to your Ward Councillor to sign to indicate his/her support of your application and to authorise payment of the grant.

Grant Payment

Once your ward councillor has signed the application form he/she will send it to the Council's Funding and Partnerships Officer to process for payment.

We aim to pay the grant within 15 working days of receipt of a fully and properly completed application form.

Project Monitoring

Your Ward Councillor may contact you to see how your grant has been used and how your project is progressing.