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Capital Grants

Funding available - up to £10,000 for any one project.

Value of grant must not exceed 50% of total project costs.

In order to apply for a capital grant from Ashford Borough Council, you must meet all of the criteria below:

  • Be a not-for-profit organisation with a formal charitable status OR an unincorporated organisation with a constitution and a formally appointed voluntary management committee OR a parish council
  • Be non-political
  • Operate in Ashford borough and serve borough residents
  • Ensure your service(s), project(s) or facilities are open to any resident in the borough (or have a clear, non-financial justification for targeting or prioritising a client group)
  • Have a bank or building society account in the organisation's name
  • Have relevant insurances in place e.g. public liability insurance, buildings insurance
  • Demonstrate you have relevant safeguards and policies in place i.e. risk assessments, health and safety policy, safeguarding policy
  • Have support for your project from an Ashford Borough Council Ward Councillor
  • Not have unrestricted reserves in excess of 12 months running costs
  • not have received S106 funding for the project
  • Use the grant to fund capital costs only e.g. buildings, equipment (no signage)
  • Not have already started or completed your project, or replace funds already spent

How to apply

You can apply for a Capital Grant online.

You will be taken to a login screen, here you can register if you haven't used the service before or login if already registered.

Please be aware that before you start you will need the following information, some of which you will need to upload directly onto this form. 

  • Detailed information relating to the project and costs
  • Bank Statements
  • Annual Accounts (copy of last end year)
  • Constitution/Trust Deed/Articles of Association (N/A if PC)
  • Current Insurance Certificate & Schedules
  • Health & Safety Policy
  • Risk Assessment(s)
  • Safeguarding Policy

Please save your form as you work through it so, if you need to step away from your computer, your form will be saved. You can access your draft form again at anytime by logging back into the portal and going to the "draft service requests" section. Once you submit the form, it can be found in the "Service requests" section.

Stuck? View a visual example on Scribe.

Application Deadlines

There are three application deadlines per year for all capital grant applications, closing on 31 January, 31 May and 30 September.

Application Assessment & Decisions

Once applications have been submitted, they will be assessed by the Funding and Partnerships Officer to ensure they are properly completed and meet all eligibility criteria. You will be contacted if more information or clarification is needed on your application.

Once applications are fully completed, and if projects meet at least one of the funding priorities, they are progressed to a Community Grants Panel.

The Community Grants Panel meets in March, July and November to consider all eligible grant applications.

If your application is progressed, you will be invited to the Community Grants Panel to discuss your project. All applicants are required to attend the Grants Panel.

The grant panel will make a decision on whether or not to fund your project based on:

We will notify you of the decision of the Community Grants Panel within two working days of its meeting. The decision of the Community Grant Panel is final.

Community Grants funding is always subject to the council's budget position. We may be unable to fund every eligible application.

Grant Offer

If your application is successful we will send you a grant offer. The grant offer sets out the amount of grant funding approved, purpose of the funding, any additional grant conditions, monitoring and review requirements and the evidence of spend we require.

In signing your grant offer, you accept our standard Terms and Conditions of Funding [docx] 17KB and any additional conditions stated in the offer.

You will also be informed of how you can claim your grant. You have 12 months from the date of the grant offer to claim your grant.

Who to contact for help

Grants and Funding Team

Email: grantsandfunding@ashford.gov.uk.


Ashford Borough Council is required by law to safeguard children and to protect public funds. We may use the information you have provided for the prevention and detection of criminal activity and fraud. We may also share this information with those bodies responsible for auditing or administering funds for these purposes.

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