Urgent Telephone Weekends : 01233 331111


Ashford Volunteer Centre

If you are looking for ways to volunteer, please contact Ashford Volunteer Centre. They have over forty years’ experience of providing a friendly volunteer service throughout the Ashford borough, helping those who wish to volunteer to find opportunities, and supporting local organisations who wish to find volunteers.

Here are some of the things the Ashford Volunteer Centre offers:

  • Helping people to volunteer
  • Helping voluntary organisations with their volunteers and running their organisation
  • Running Kent Trustee Volunteer Network
  • Running Kent Volunteers
  • Volunteer transport scheme
  • Subsidised room hire for not for profit groups
  • DBS checks
  • Volunteer climate action group
  • Volunteer befriending service
  • Hospital care navigation service

Kent Volunteer Partnership

The Kent Volunteer Partnership is supporting the Kent Volunteers website. This is a one stop shop for people who want to volunteer and for organisations who need volunteers throughout Kent.

Litter picking

To find out about how to set up a community litter pick in our borough, visit our dedicated webpage.