Urgent Telephone 4pm - 8.30am : 01233 331111

New Build Property Bin Request (Housing Developments)

The provision of containers for the collection of recyclables, residual waste and food waste for new developments, is the responsibility of the developer. The developer is required to meet the full cost of providing and delivering the containers to site.

Food Waste 

The Government requires us to offer separate food waste collections to every property, including communal properties. Please ensure that you order sufficient internal food caddies along with external communal food bins for your properties. The full set of bins for individual properties includes both internal and external food caddy.

Prices for containers are as follow:

Price List of Each Type of Bin

Item Price
Full set of bins £99.00
Recycle wheeled bin 240l


Refuse wheeled bin 180l £51.00
External kerbside food waste caddy  £14.70
Internal kitchen caddy £10.50
Food bin - communal £47.25
Bulk refuse bin 1100l £395.00
Bulk refuse bin 1100l (each additional bulk refuse bin in the same delivery) £380.00
Bulk recycle bin 1100l £395.00
Bulk recycle bin 1100l (each additional bulk recycle bin in the same delivery) £380.00

What you need to do

You will need to provide the following details at the time of submitting a request:

  • Purchase Order for the required number of bins and relative cost
  • Full address details of each individual property, including postcode
  • Bin delivery address i.e. site office address
  • Billing address

What happens next?

Once your order is submitted, an invoice will be raised and the required bin ordered within 7 working days from the day your request is submitted.

Our bin delivery time scale is as follow:  

  • Wheeled bins: 10 working day from the day the invoice is issued
  • Communal bins: up to 4 weeks from the day the invoice is issued

Please note that the Waste Team may need to contact you if they have any queries regarding your request.

Should there be any queries or discrepancy on the delivery of bins, please note this must be raised with the authority within 28 days of delivery.

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