Commercial and Hazardous Waste

Commercial and Business Waste 

Commercial waste cannot be disposed of in domestic collections.

Environmental regulations state that every commercial business or establishment that produces any form of waste, no matter where it is based, has a responsibility under duty of care for managing their waste properly. 

Under the Environmental Protection Act 1990, anyone who produces, imports, keeps, stores, transports, treats or disposes of waste has a duty to take all reasonable steps to ensure that their waste is disposed of properly. This means that any waste produced by a business from general rubbish i.e. paper documents to a business’s operations is regulated by law.

To ensure you comply with these regulations make sure you:

  • Ensure your contract is with the right waste carrier for your form of waste
  • Check your waste carrier’s credentials and ask to see their waste certificate. Always ensure they are registered with the Environment Agency as a ‘Carrier of Waste’
  • Keep all waste in suitable containers
  • Get the right paperwork and keep hold of it. Always get a copy of the Waste Transfer Note from the person who takes your waste away. By law you must keep a copy of this note for up to two years.

Right Waste, Right Place is a website which has been created to advise businesses on how they can meet their obligations under the Duty of Care Section 34 of the Environment Protection Act 1990[1]

Download their simple guide which provides you with a step by step list of things to consider

Further information about your responsibilities and disposal sites within Kent is available from KCC.


Ashford Borough Council officers may take action against those who breach their Duty of Care.

Officers can request to see your documentation at any time within the past two years. Failure to show these may result in a fixed penalty notice of up to £300 or the matter being referred to court. If found guilty, a fine of up to £5,000 may be given.

Hazardous Waste

We do not provide a collection service for hazardous waste.

You will need to arrange for a contractor to remove these types of waste from your home or business. You also need to ensure they are registered with the Environment Agency as a ‘Carrier of Waste’.

The Kent County Council Helpline (03000 41 73 73) can be called for advice on dealing with asbestos and its disposal.

If you need any more information on your Duty of Care please contact the street scene officers on 

Other useful websites

Health and Safety Executive website

DirectGov Asbestos Webpage

Visit KCC's Ashford household waste recycling centre page for information regarding items which we are unable to collect. Amongst others, these include: old paint tins, engine oil, etc.

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