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Urgent Telephone Weekends : 01233 331111

Problem Parking

Vehicles parked dangerously or causing an obstruction

We cannot issue fines to vehicles parked dangerously or causing an obstruction where there is no parking restriction, for example, if a vehicle has been parked at a junction and is creating a hazard to other motorists or pedestrians.

These vehicles can only be dealt with by the police. Contact them on their non-emergency phone number, 101.

Visit Kent Police's website to find out about nuisance parking and abandoned vehicles.

Vehicles that are exempt from parking restrictions

There are some vehicles which are exempt from parking restrictions or have permission to park on yellow lines or in certain bays. These vehicles will usually have a special permit or ticket on display. Check a vehicle for this before you report it as illegally parked.

Apply for Vehicle access marking across your driveway

Report parking problems 

Send details to - Parking Services, Ashford Borough Council, Civic Centre, Tannery Lane, Ashford TN23 1PL.

Or email us -

View our Parking Enforcement Guidelines.