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Contact Our Media Team

Opening hours

Ashford Borough Council's media office is open Monday to Friday 8.30am to 5pm.

The team proactively issues media releases and produces literature about council services, policies and consultations. It also responds to queries from journalists in local, regional and national print and broadcast media.

Contact the team

To reach a member of the team please email in the first instance, or use the contact details below:

(Please note for queries relating to highways, adult and social care, street lighting and education, please contact our colleagues Kent County Council's media office).

Ashford Borough Council media contacts

For enquiries relating to:

Media contact

  • Strategic communications, Leader or Chief Exec
  • Inward investment & economic development
  • Policy & performance, Ashford Port Health

Dean Spurrell, Communications and Marketing Manager
Email Dean
01233 330647 or 07879 667219

  • Housing development and provision
  • Corporate property and investment
  • Legal and democratic services

Jeff Sims, Senior Communications Officer
Email Jeff
01233 330543 or 07810 527979

  • Health & wellbeing (environmental health, licensing, community safety, parking)
  • Planning & development
  • Finance, IT & digital transformation

Alan Ng, Communications Officer
Email Alan
01233 330236 or 07818 403037

  • Environment (waste, recycling, street cleansing & Aspire Landscape Management)
  • Recreation (leisure, sports, tourism & the arts)
  • Climate change and sustainability

Charlie-Jayne Ashby, Communications Officer
Email Charlie
01233 330398 or 07824 623432


General information

For inward investment visit the AshfordFor website.

For town centre and the high street visit the LoveAshford website.

For tourism visit the Experience Ashford & Tenterden website.

Our Social Media Accounts

The team also manage the council's Facebook, X, Instagram, LinkedIn, Nextdoor and YouTube accounts.

Facebook logo Like Ashford Borough Council

Join us on Facebook to find out more about the projects and campaigns we’re working on. You can also become part of our Resident’s Group and our Ashford Green Focus Group, too!

Twitter logo @AshfordCouncil on X

Follow us to keep up to date with all the latest council news, as it breaks.

Instagram logo Follow ashfordbc on Instagram

This is where we share the best of our borough. Want to see your picture on our feed? Simply tag @ashfordbc whenever you’re out and about!

LinkedIn logo Follow Ashford Borough Council on LinkedIn

Want all the latest business information and news on upcoming jobs? Join us on LinkedIn.

Nextdoor logo Subscribe to Ashford Borough Council on Nextdoor

If you haven’t joined Nextdoor already then this is a great place to get local community news, tailored to the area you live

YouTube logo Watch Ashford Borough Council

Follow us on YouTube for video updates on campaigns, projects and events.