Private Rented Sector
We work closely with private sector landlords and local housing associations to ensure high standards are met in privately rented accommodation.
We have extensive powers and responsibilities to ensure that homes in the borough meet required standards. This includes: individually-occupied properties, family-occupied properties, and houses in multiple occupation (HMOs). To submit a complaint or enquiry to our Private Sector housing team, please complete our online enquiry form.
We also have powers to take action to bring empty homes back into residential use. This helps increase the supply of privately rented homes in the area.
Guides and housing standards
Download our housing standards and guides for privately rented accommodation.
- Housing standards booklet [pdf] 2373KB
- Standards for houses of multiple occupation [pdf] 195KB
- Private Sector Housing Strategy 2022-27 [pdf] 1831KB
Private Sector Housing Enforcement and Prosecution Policy
Our Private Sector Housing Enforcement and Prosecution Policy [pdf] 444KB details how the council will use its enforcement powers relating to legislation covering Housing and Environmental Protection issues affecting poor condition only.
Our Civil Penalties Policy sets out the principles that Ashford Borough Council will apply in exercising its powers to require a relevant landlord to pay a financial penalty.
Further information
For further information about condition of private rented stock housing, or queries about an empty home, contact housing services (private sector housing) by email
We also work with Town & Country Housing who may be able to assist you and support you in your home if you are older or registered disabled. They can be contacted by phone on 0800 028 3172.