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Valuation and Band Charges

The amount of council tax you pay is based on the value of your home. The Valuation Office Agency (VOA) estimated the sale price of your home as if it had it been sold on 1 April 1991. The value of your home was then placed into a group (or band) of other similarly valued properties.

All new homes are still valued as if they had existed and been sold on 1 April 1991. If you are moving into a new property, tell us you are moving and we will inform the VOA for you.

How much council tax you pay is based on which valuation band your property is in.

Valuation bands

Your home has been placed into one of eight bands. The 1991 values are shown in the table below:

Property values and valuation bands in April 1991
Valuation Band Range of property values (at 1 April 1991)
A Up to and including £40,000
B £40,001 - £52,000
C £52,001 - £68,000
D £68,001 - £88,000
E £88,001 - £120,000
F £120,001 - £160,000
G £160,001 - £320,000
H More than £320,001

Your council tax bill will show in which band your home has been valued. If you want to know the valuation band of other properties, please go to the VOA website and enter the address.



Council Tax Charge Per Band 2025 [xlsx] 12KB


Council Tax Charge Per Band 2024 [xlsx] 12KB


View the council tax charges 2023


Download the 2022 council tax charges [xlsx 12KB


Download the 2021 council tax charges [xlsx] 14KB


Download the latest council tax charges 2020 [xlsx] 14KB

The percentage increase in council tax from last year, is shown on your bill.

Apply to pay your council tax by direct debit.


Council tax charge per band 2019 [pdf] 42KB

Council Tax Band Lookup

Please enter your postcode below and click 'search', to show the council tax band for the postcode entered.

You can view your full Council Tax history by signing up or logging into My Ashford and then clicking on 'My Council Tax'.

Frequently Asked Questions

+ What if my property hasn't been banded yet?

If your property is new and has not been placed in a band yet, you can begin to make payments against your future council tax bill by contacting customer.care@ashford.gov.uk.

+ Can I appeal against my banding?

There is a time limit for appeals, so don’t delay contact the Valuation Office Agency (VOA). There is also a website for the Valuation Tribunal.

You can contact the VOA at gov.uk/contact-voa. If you are unable to use the online service you can also contact the VOA on 0303 445 8100.

+ I am moving home. Will I pay the same council tax as the previous occupiers?

Possibly not. If the previous occupiers built an extension to the property, the Valuation Office Agency (VOA) may increase the band from the date of sale.

For more information contact the VOA. Email ctonline@voa.gov.uk or phone 0303 445 8100.