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Sevington Inland Border Facility

Ashford Borough Council is the statutory body responsible for undertaking official border controls on a range of commodities including imported high-risk food and feed, which covers products of animal origin (POAO) and high-risk food and feed of non-animal origin (HRFNAO), organics, plastic food contact materials from China and Hong Kong, and managing illegal, unregistered and unregulated (IUU) fishing controls imported through the Channel Tunnel.

The Council is also the statutory body responsible for checking POAO and HRFNAO products that enter GB from the EU via the ferry terminal at the Port of Dover. This is because there is no Border Control Post (BCP) located at the ferry terminal to control these commodity types.

These official controls are undertaken by Ashford Borough Council at the inland BCP at Sevington Inland Border Facility (IBF).

All POAO and HRFNAO imported through the Channel Tunnel or via the ferry terminal Dover, must be pre-notified to Ashford Borough Council for checks at Sevington via IPAFFS.


If you require assistance on Exports please visit the government website

If you require assistance on products of animal origin, you can contact the APHA by email via imports@apha.gov.uk.

If you require assistance on high-risk food not of animal origin, please contact the food standards agency by email via imported.food@food.gov.uk.

Export Health Certificates

Ashford Port Health are authorised to certify Export Health Certificates

Please refer to our website for further details or visit the government website.

The role of Ashford Borough Council at the Facility

At the Facility, Ashford Borough Council’s Port Health Team is responsible for enforcement of particular imported food controls of foods arriving into the UK via Eurotunnel. These include foods from the EU and the rest of the world.

Imported food controls are designed to protect the population from imported infectious diseases and to ensure food safety and hygiene standards are in place.

This work involves carrying out checks on food documentation, physically examining foods and taking samples for analysis.

Visit the Food Standards Agency website, which contains information on commercial and personal food imports.


To make a payment, please use our Port Health Payment Form

Latest updates

Find out the latest updates on the government website.

How to access Sevington Inland Border Facility

You can find out how to access Sevington Inland Border Facility on the government website.

How to access Waterbrook Inland Border Facility

You can find out how to access Waterbrook Inland Border Facility on the government website.

Contact us

Email: porthealth@ashford.gov.uk.

Website: Visit the Ashford Port Health website.

Tel No.   01233 648340 

BCP Address  :  Ashford Port Health, Sevington Inland Border Facility, Ashford, Kent TN25 6GE

Postal Address for Health Certificates etc. is  :  Sevington Inland Border Facility, Care of DEFRA BCP Building 1, Re-Direct to Ashford Port Health, BCP Building 4, Ashford,  Kent. TN25 6GE

Additional Information

Should you have any questions, concerns or complaints about the Sevington Inland Border Facility or junction 10a please note the below:


The Inland Border Facility was permitted under a Special Development Order by Government. Similarly, junction 10a was a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project (NSIP) scheme led by the Planning Inspectorate with consultation on the scheme being the responsibility of Highways England. 

For further information on the scheme visit:

NSIP - Nationally significant infrastructure projects in the transport sector - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

National Infrastructure Planning page on M20 Junction 10a - M20 Junction 10A | National Infrastructure Planning (planninginspectorate.gov.uk)

Traffic Noise:

Any complaints regarding traffic noise from junction 10a should be directed to Highways England - Complaints procedure - Highways England

Visual and lighting impact:

Any complaints regarding visual impact and lighting of night sky as a result of the IBF should be directed to Department for Transport directly - Department for Transport - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)