Ancestry Searches

We hold records of any burials and ashes interments that have taken place in our cemeteries. We have four cemeteries across the borough at Bybrook, Canterbury Road, Tenterden and Willesborough.

Contact us via the search application form for help finding an ancestor in one of these cemeteries.

If the search is successful we will be able to provide a map of the cemetery and the grave location as well as some information regarding the deceased. If we are unable to help it may be because your ancestor is buried in local churchyards (records individually held by parishes), possibly cremated (view Charing Crematorium records), or has been buried outside of the borough.

Ancestry research

The following resources are free and can help with ancestry research in general:

Free Births Marriages and Deaths – search for births, marriages and deaths.

National Archives – search The National Archives and more than 2,500 archives across the country.

Deceased Online – searches burial and cremation records for local authorities and crematoria that publish online.

Find a Grave – searches for grave stones and memorials at cemeteries and graveyards.