Tackling Anti-social Behaviour with PSPOs

Published: 21/07/2021
News article entitled Tackling Anti-social Behaviour with PSPOs

In areas that have seen recurring incidents of Anti-social Behaviour (ASB) an effective tool in managing and reducing these has been the introduction of a Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO).

A PSPO is intended to deal with a particular nuisance or problem in a particular area that is detrimental to the local community’s quality of life, by imposing conditions on the use of that area, which apply to everyone.

They are designed to ensure the law-abiding majority can use and enjoy public spaces, safe from ASB. A PSPO covers particular activities, meaning that anyone carrying them out in an area under one of these orders can be prosecuted or issued with a fine.

The Ashford borough currently has six PSPOs in place which were identified by the council, police reports and complaints received from local residents for nuisance issues and then consulted upon before their introduction. These include:

  • The churchyard in Ashford town centre
  • The Coney Bear site in Ashford (near Torrington Road)
  • Ashford town centre
  • Singleton Lake
  • Henley Fields
  • Conningbrook Lakes


Penalty on breach of an order

Any person found guilty of breaching an order will be liable on  conviction to a fine not exceeding £1,000.

Depending on the breach, the enforcing officer could decide that a fixed penalty notice of £100 would be the most appropriate sanction.

PSPOs may be enforced by Police Officers, Police Community Support Officers and any officers designated by Ashford Borough Council.


What impact have they had so far?

Since the introduction of the first of these PSPOs 28 Fixed Penalty Notices have been issued for breaches, five of these were for alcohol consumption in a banned area. Of these 28, nine were issued within the last year.

More details on each of the PSPOs and activities they cover can be found on our website.