Share your views on our Draft Carbon Neutral Action Plan

Published: 15/07/2021
News article entitled Share your views on our Draft Carbon Neutral Action Plan

Ashford Borough Council’s Draft Carbon Neutral Action Plan is out for consultation.

Residents will play an important role in this action plan so we want to hear their thoughts and views on the priorities, objectives and actions that make up the plan.

Why is there a consultation?

The plan supports our aim to achieve carbon neutrality within the council’s own estate and operations by 2030 and emphasises the need for the whole community’s involvement in achieving Ashford wide carbon neutrality before 2050.

Eight priority areas feature in the plan, focusing not just on how the council can improve sustainability and achieve net zero carbon in our own operations, but also how we can encourage and enable all of Ashford to join us on this journey.

Cllr Gerry Clarkson, Leader of Ashford Borough Council said “We want to ensure we create an action plan that everyone feels they can be part of.”

“Climate change is a threat to us all and Ashford wide carbon neutrality will require the whole borough’s involvement. Therefore it is vital residents have their input in shaping this document which will influence Ashford’s future for years to come.’

Alongside the consultation we will be introducing the Ashford Climate Action logo. This stamp when displayed will instantly show that a project, business or person is involved in achieving carbon neutrality in our borough.

How to tell us your views

To take part in the consultation visit our carbon neutral action plan web page.