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Share your ideas for change

Published: 20/05/2021
News article entitled Share your ideas for change

Do you live, study or work in Beaver, South Ashford?
Are you 18 to 25 years old?
How can we make Beaver a place where young people can live more healthily and feel safe?

We are looking for young people aged 18 – 25 to take part in a guided community walk around Beaver on 26 June, and share ideas for change.

Join us on Saturday 26 June, 10.15am to 1.15pm
South Ashford Baptist Church, 24 Brookfield Road, Ashford,TN23 4EY

You’ll use C3’s CHESS™ App to review local shops, food outlets, amenities and public spaces. The App is easy to use and C3 will show you how. You will collect information about the neighbourhood and the things that make it easier, or harder, for you to live healthily, spend time with friends, and feel safe.

On Saturday 10 July we invite you to a follow up session. We’ll share the CHESS walk results, and help you work together to generate ideas for change and turn these into a community action plan. You'll also receive a £15 voucher.

To find out more or take part please contact:
Alison Oates, Community Safety and Wellbeing Manager, Ashford Borough Council
01233 330 225

This project is run by Ashford Community Safety Partnership and C3 Collaborating for Health.