Parking permits go virtual

Published: 15/10/2020
News article entitled Parking permits go virtual

Ashford Borough Council is making it easier for you to buy and renew your resident and visitor parking permits.

The way that Ashford’s parking permit system operates will change from 19 October 2020 as the council moves away from paper permits towards virtual ones.

Using a secure online account, you will be able to set up your resident and visitor permits and pay by credit/debit card at any time. With a virtual permit in place you will no longer need to display paper permits or scratch cards, which are being phased out.

Laptop displaying a car icon

Those who meet the criteria for a new permit or those who already benefit from one, will be able to apply for a new permit or renew an existing one via an online permit account. 

Permits will be linked to a vehicle’s registration number and will be held electronically on the council’s system. Our civil enforcement officers will be able to see if a vehicle has a valid permit using their handheld electronic devices.

By going virtual our application and renewal process will be much faster and more efficient. Customers will be able to apply 24/7 and, once accepted, the virtual permit is generally issued instantly – so no waiting for a paper permit to arrive in the post. 

Councillor Feacey, Portfolio Holder for Community Safety and Wellbeing said: “The virtual permit system will transform our approach to permit management. It is not only saving time for our help desk team as well as reducing costs and environmental impact, but is also providing us with a wealth of invaluable insight and management data to support our ongoing commitment to sustainable travel solutions.”