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Online consultation - have your say

Last updated 31 July 2020
News article entitled Online consultation - have your say

Ashford Borough Council is consulting on the renewal of a Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) in Henley Fields, Tenterden. This will allow the Council to continue to maintain measures to address anti-social behaviour and help to improve community safety and the local environment in this area.

The PSPO for the area relates to gating, at four locations, of an unnamed footpath to the rear of Henley Fields and came into effect originally on 20 October 2017. It was identified as necessary by the council and police following reports and complaints received from local residents. Since its introduction the number of anti-social behaviour complaints has reduced. Beginning on Monday 20 July 2020 the consultation runs until midnight on Monday 31 August 2020.

PSPOs allow councils to tackle anti-social behaviour which takes place in a specific, geographical area (as opposed to criminal behaviour orders and injunctions which are directed at named individuals). PSPOs are specific to each area and cover particular activities, e.g. anti-social behaviour, drinking, urinating in public. Those committing an offence can be issued fixed penalty notices and/or prosecuted.

After the consultation period, the responses will be analysed and a decision will be made whether any changes need to be made to the order. Residents can find out more about the consultation and take part in it via our online portal.