New Mayor of Ashford looks ahead to a busy year of communication

Published: 08/06/2023
The Mayor of Ashford, Cllr Larry Krause

This week sees the inauguration of the new Ashford Borough Mayor, as Downs West Ward Member Cllr Larry Krause begins his term, having been first elected to Ashford Borough Council in 2015. The honour of becoming mayor in 2023 is made greater as he becomes the 50th person to hold the honoured position.

Born and raised in Brisbane, Australia, the mayor worked for many years in finance and sales before moving to Ashford in 2001. Cllr Krause became a councillor in 2015 following some gentle encouragement by other local councillors and after 10 years as a Parish Councillor in Hothfield.

Looking ahead to this term, Cllr Krause plans to focus on encouraging the rebuilding of communication and to raise support and awareness for the reconnection between the borough and the community it serves.

The mayor’s chosen charities this year are Men in Sheds, a mental health wellbeing initiative from Ashford Volunteer Centre and also the Friends of William Harvey Hospital. Both charities will support people, especially those from the borough, in helping to making their lives better. Cllr Krause will work alongside their team of volunteers to raise funds for new equipment and activities and increase the awareness that they both need to gain support to continue their vital work.

Larry added: “It’s a real honour and privilege to serve as mayor in this extra special year as we celebrate His Majesty the King’s Coronation.”

“Let’s all look forward and celebrate a positive future while considering the greater care of our own future along with open dialogue on ways to better talk to each other politely”. As I get out and about across our great borough to visit our diversified communities, I will be doing everything I can to preserve, protect and improve our green spaces and talk about not just what the council can do for you but also how you can make a difference for everyone.

“It will be a great year and my wife and I look forward to being at as many events throughout the upcoming year as possible.”Cllr Larry Krause, the Mayor of Ashford with Revd Dr Sue Starkings

Cllr Krause’s wife, Revd Dr Sue Starkings is the Mayor’s Chaplain and is part of the Ashford clergy. Although now retired, she still conducts services in the Westwell with Calehill Parish Group. The mayor and his wife have children between them and many grand and great grandchildren.

As confirmed at this week’s Full Council meeting, Cllr Lyn Suddards of Beaver Ward has been appointed as the new Deputy Mayor of Ashford.