New Mayor announced

Last updated 31 July 2020
News article entitled New Mayor announced

Cllr John Link was appointed as the new Mayor of Ashford last night at the Council’s Full Council Meeting.  This had been postponed from May due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Cllr Link was born and raised in St Michaels Tenterden and hasn’t moved very far since! He was a mechanic’s apprentice before being called up to do his National Service for two years with a few adventures to share during that time.  On returning to Tenterden he continued his trade and over time purchased the Mercers Garage in Station Road Tenterden. He eventually retired some 15 years ago after running the garage for many years. 

Cllr Link and his wife, Jill, have one daughter, two grandchildren and one great grandchild, with the excitement of twins due very soon.

His hobbies include being an active sportsman at the Tenterden Bowls Club; accepting the role as Chairman of the Cinque Ports Mayors Association and still finding plenty of time to enjoy his beautiful garden and tending the 60 hanging baskets.

This will be Cllr Link’s third time in office as the Mayor of Ashford.  He said: “I am most delighted to be elected for another term, who would have thought! I have chosen three charities to support throughout my 10 months as Mayor. The key focus for my year in office is to work with local charities, groups and individuals on the well-being of our communities across the borough, and particularly during this time of insecurity and uncertainty - as the new Mayor I wish to provide a something positive towards supporting these principles.”

“My first charity is the Ashford Street Pastors, who since 2010 have been patrolling the streets throughout the nights over the busy evenings of Fridays and Saturdays. Their team of caring volunteers provides a peaceful presence on the night-time streets by caring for, listening to and helping vulnerable people; secondly the Tenterden Memory Dementia Café which provides such essential support to the local community. Their aim is to provide an informal and relaxed setting for those people living with dementia and dementia related illnesses, their family and carers. And finally, Parkinson’s Ashford for their excellent programme to help those with this dreadful disease.  They offer information, friendship and support to local people who are suffering with Parkinson’s, their families and carers.  All of which need vital support.  I am looking forward to visiting each of them soon.”