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Incident in Mill View, Willesborough

Published: 06/05/2021
News article entitled Incident in Mill View, Willesborough

Ashford Borough Council supported emergency services following an explosion in a row of houses in Mill View, in Willesborough on Tuesday 4 May.

Ashford Borough Council officers worked with Kent Police, Kent Fire & Rescue Services, and voluntary and community groups at the scene and provided support to residents affected at the nearby St Mary’s The Virgin Church, Willesborough.

In a message to residents on Tuesday Cllr Gerry Clarkson, Leader of Ashford Borough Council, said: “Our thoughts are with all those involved by this tragic incident this morning.

“Our officers are working with emergency services on the scene and are providing support to the local community including looking at alternative accommodation for those who need it and working with the emergency services to ensure the safe return to properties.

“Having checked our property records, we can confirm that all the relevant safety certificates for the properties are fully up to date. Our officers will be supporting any investigation into the cause of this incident.

“On behalf of Ashford Borough Council I would like to thank the emergency services for their swift response and the community who have come together to support those residents in their time of need. I would also like to wish everyone a swift recovery and let them know that the council is here to provide any support they may need.”

Anyone who needs support following this incident should contact Ashford Borough Council on 01233 331111. 

The rest centre is now closed. All the residents who were sent there have now been sent home. The residents in the four houses affected all have accommodation, with some short term housing solutions being arranged. 


We are aware of the JustGiving page that has been set up by the community as a sign of the heart warming support shown throughout the borough to offer support to those affected by this incident. If you would like to donate, you can visit JustGiving for further information. There is also a community group which residents can join if they would like to donate essential items including clothing.

Media Coverage

Ashford Borough Council Leader, Cllr Gerry Clarkson and Chief Executive, Tracey Kerly visited the site on Wednesday 5 May to view the damage and assess how the clean-up operation is underway. Below are links to the media coverage which provides further information on how we are supporting those affected:

Cllr Gerry Clarkson at Mill View

ITV Meridian

ABC Chief Executive, Tracey Kerly at Mill View

BBC South East

Kent Online

Page last updated at 11am on 06/05/2021.