Improved facilities to help you get back into sport

Published: 13/05/2021
News article entitled Improved facilities to help you get back into sport

With sports facilities now open as lockdown eases, there are a wide range of options for anyone wanting to try a new sport or get back into one you love.

The facilities at Pitchside in Stanhope have been improved while they were closed, with new floodlights on the 3G and grass pitch, new goals, resurfacing, landscaping, fencing and a new boiler installed in the changing rooms. The £100,000 investment took place in the spring.

A short video tour of the improvements and facilities is available on the Active Ashford webpage.

To make it easier to book the tennis courts at Courtside, these can now be booked online through the LTA Rally website. Visit the Active Ashford webpage and click through to the LTA Rally website. If you want to book other courts you can call 01233 330232.

LTA Rally was launched last year and allows people to find courts, coaches and people to play with near them in a matter of minutes. It forms part of the national governing body’s drive to open tennis up and continue increasing participation by making it easier to find a court and someone to play with.

Cllr Matthew Forest, portfolio holder for culture, leisure and tourism, said: “These new and improved facilities are a great boost to the sports we have on offer in Ashford borough. The online tennis booking system will make it much easier for everyone to use the courts and also make things safer with no need for cash to be used.”

Jemima Lee, LTA Participation Development Manager for London and South East Region, said: “It is great that the courts in Stanhope are now bookable through LTA Rally. The platform helps to overcome what we know is one of the biggest barriers people experience in wanting to play tennis in easily finding and booking a court. We hope LTA Rally will encourage more and more people in Stanhope to the get active through tennis, regardless of their age, background, ability or disability. We are working with local authorities like Ashford Borough Council across the country to make park courts sustainable for the future as part of our vision to open tennis up to more people.”

Plans are in place to have an online booking system for Courtside and Pitchside later on in the year.