Generosity shown for Ashford's twin town Bad Münstereifel

Published: 23/11/2022
Group picture of attendees at the cheque presentation at the Friendship Stone

An amazing £13,844 was raised for Ashford’s twin town Bad Münstereifel, who suffered devastating floods last summer.

The Ashford Twinning Association (ATA) supported by the Ashford Borough Council coordinated a flooding appeal across Just Giving and The Big Munch fundraiser held at Repton Connect Community Centre.

The money raised will be going to two nursery schools and a primary school, which will help replace items not covered by State Aid, insurance or similar.

The Just Giving page was shared by the public across social media, radio, and news, with hundreds giving their condolences and expressing their personal connection to Bad Münstereifel. Many more had seen the effects the floods had caused and wanted to support in any way they could. The money raised on Just Giving alone reached £13,122, which is far beyond what the ATA had ever hoped to achieve.

The Big Munch fundraiser at Repton Connect Community Centre saw Ashford residents come together to enjoy an afternoon of sharing baked cakes, food, and live music. Over the course of the afternoon £722 was raised.

The cheque presentation took place at the Friendship Stone in Ashford town centre.

It was attended by the Mayor of Ashford, Cllr Callum Knowles, the Ashford Twinning Association Chair, Peter Cocks, Twinning Champion, Cllr Matthew Forest, the Kent Representative for The British-German Association, Peter Brown, Ashford Folk, members of Ashford Twinning Association and residents of Ashford.

Ashford Twinning Chair, Peter Cocks said "Ashford has been twinned with Bad Münstereifel in Germany since 1964 – some 57 years. The Friendship Stone reflects the ties between the towns and has stood here since 1983. The disastrous floods in Bad Münstereifel last year have brought our towns even closer together.

“The primary purpose of this cheque presentation is to formally and publicly thank each and every donor for their extraordinary generosity in supporting the Bad Münstereifel cause.”

Twinning Champion, Cllr Matthew Forest said “I start by echoing the thanks given to those who generously donated to the fund and everyone who helped support and promote the fundraising effort.

“Friendships between people, citizen to citizen, can transcend the political and boundary lines of the day and help forge understanding and tolerance between different cultures and ways of life.

“The lasting effect of such friendship was evident in the messages and condolences attached to many of the donations received - heartfelt and passionate memories of visits to Germany, the beauty and warm welcome of Bad Münstereifel and its inhabitants.

“There were even donations from those not ever involved in twinning themselves but who remember stories of exchange visits or school trips told by their parents.

“I want to thank Ashford Twinning Association and its members for helping make that a reality, and for everything they have done to support our dear friends in Bad Münstereifel.”

To find out more head to The Ashford Twinning Associations website.

Or alternatively you can look at the Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn via @ashfordtwinning