Cycling repair workshops and cycling guided tours

Published: 08/07/2021
News article entitled Cycling repair workshops and cycling guided tours

A series of Discovery Cycle Rides and Cycle Fix sessions are being held in Ashford throughout July and August, with the first ones taking place this week.

  • Feel a bit nervous about getting back on your bike?
  • New to the area and unsure of cycling routes?
  • Want to start cycling more but not sure how to go about it?

Why not take part in Ashford Discovery Cycle Rides hosted by Cycle Circle? Join them on a gentle supported cycle ride in and around Ashford on the following Thursday evenings; 8 July, 15 July, 22 July, 29 July, 5 August,12 August.

The rides are designed for adults and accompanied teenagers, and begin at the fountain in Victoria Park at 6pm. If you're worried about your bike being ready for the road, bike checks will be available from 4pm if needed.

  • What to know some basic bike maintenance?
  • Concerned your bike isn’t road safe?

There are also a series of cycle repair workshops too. Cycle Fix is a mobile team of cycle mechanics (Dr Bike) who can fix punctures, tune gears, fit new brake blocks and replace cables. They also give out lots of helpful and impartial advice about bicycle care and maintenance. 

The workshops take place on Thursday 8 July, 15 July, 22 July and 29 July and 5 August and 12 August in Victoria Park (by the fountain) from 4-6pm. There are also some on Monday 26 July and 2 August and 9 August at Repton Connect Community Centre or 11am-1pm at Victoria Park (by the fountain) from 2-4pm.

There are limited spaces so booking is advised. For more information or to book email:

Cllr Matthew Forest, portfolio holder for culture, tourism and leisure, said: “Our walking and cycling strategy champions the benefits of cycling, especially for our health and wellbeing, and aims to increase cycling and walking participation by promoting safer cycling.

“These events are part of this work and I hope everyone will come along, learn how to look after their bikes and discover some of the lovely cycling routes we have in Ashford.”