Ashford Borough Council’s rallying call

Published: 08/03/2023
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The Leader of Ashford Borough Council, Cllr Gerry Clarkson, has issued a rallying call for everyone in the borough to unite in the face of the “enormous challenge” posed by the ongoing pandemic and the introduction of a second national lockdown. 
Cllr Clarkson said: “Like many other districts in Kent, Ashford’s Coronavirus infection numbers are relatively low compared to the worst-affected regions in the North East, North West and the Midlands. By acting quickly and decisively now, we can hopefully keep our infection rates under control and come out of national lockdown more quickly.  
“The council is continuing to work closely with Public Health England, Kent County Council Public Health and other key partners to do all we can to control the spread of Coronavirus across the borough. 
“This is a difficult time for us all but by working together we will get through this. By following the rules on wearing face coverings, hand washing, social distancing and complying with test and trace requirements, we are all playing our part in slowing the spread of the virus and helping our NHS to cope this winter. Anyone who is not abiding by these rules is putting other people’s lives at risk,” he added. 
Ashford Borough Council Leader Cllr Clarkson

Cllr Clarkson has reassured local residents and businesses that Ashford Borough Council is well prepared for this national lockdown.  
We have detailed plans in place, plans that were forged in the fire of the first lockdown earlier this year, and we are putting these into action now, ahead of the lockdown being implemented.  
“To comply with Government instructions, some of our services will close, such as leisure centres, but the majority will be maintained. Play areas will remain open and bin collections will continue as the council strives to maintain a normal level of service as possible during this challenging time. 
This is impacting everyone in our communities, especially the most vulnerable, our elderly, those with health issues, people who have lost their income and families that are having to cope in these worrying times. Our thoughts and condolences go out to all those who have sadly lost family and friends.  
“I have always maintained that Ashford has a strong heartbeat and once again we need to all work together in the face of these difficult challenges. We will come through this, we will reconnect with family and friends, we will enjoy our social interaction, we will rebuild our economy and we will be a thriving community once again,” insisted Cllr Clarkson. 
While face-to-face appointments at the Civic Centre are being paused during the lockdown, residents can still contact us via our customer services team – call 01233 331111 or email